Monday, July 25, 2016

Substance in life, No more good time charlies please.

I want substance with the people I talk with on Facebook. We don't have to agree on most things either. But I am absolutely sick and tired of those pathetic little minds that only post "cute" memes. You know the ones I am talking about. "We are in the back of a police care, only say 4 words", and " Name something stupid that doesn't have the letter "g" in it, 90% of the people can't". Then you have the people that have to change their profile picture every ot...her fucking day, or add a new selfie a new selfie every other fucking day. I am bored with women that take selfies at high candle angles so people can see their breasts. Talk about fucking shallow.
Substance is talking about civil issues that are occurring around you. Maybe you want to chat about politics, religion, or building something. Substance is taking the time to write out a comment and explaining how you feel about something. If all you do is share memes 90% of the time, you lack substance. I know what I am asking for is a lot, but it is needed. People are losing their ability to think and communicate. Common sense is no longer common anymore. Critical thinking is fading away into obscure reasoning. Fro fuck sakes idiots are walking off cliff because they are playing Pokemon Go. which only shows the fact to what I am talking about, most people seem to be only able to handle one thing at a time.
If what I am asking of you is too much for you to bear, then please block me. Then I don't have to see your worthless posts. And speaking of worthless posts. Life is not twitter, Can you post more than one sentence at a time? I think it is severally stupid that people make 10 posts of one sentence each. Please spell out words, typos happen, and I can understand that, but things like "bcuz, R U OK, and ppl need 2 STFU" just shows the laziness in your ability to communicate with others. Slang and being cool don't mean shit if you are trying to discuss an important topic.
You can have fun in life and post something silly and joke with friends, however life requires us to be more and do more. People complain about the mess the world is in, but all you want to do is tell the world how much of a badass you are in the sheets. So if you can't talk about the real world, I don't have time for you, I would want your time killing spew of cuteness gone from my timeline. Yes I am a serious person, someone has to fight todo the right thing. And sad to say with most people on facebook, I have few people that are willing to fight for the greater good.

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