Monday, September 4, 2017

McCarthyism is alive and well.

McCarthyism is alive and well on social media. And it is time to bring it to and end. Joe McCarthy was an American senator that used the red scare to position himself in a place of power. He seen the fear of communists in the people and lied to the nation about the dangers the US was in. Over a thousand people were forced into hearing by HUAC House Un-American Activities Committee. Wild accusations that lacked any form of evidence was thrown at people across this nation. Teachers, actors, businessmen, anyone could be called a communist and be forced into this ordeal.
People didn't dare oppose McCarthy, because of the fear of being labeled a Communist sympathizer. Hollywood was hit hard. If an actor or actress was resistant to the McCarthy witch hunts, they would be blacklisted, and they could get any jobs in Hollywood. SO I look at the people out there that demanded Collin Kaepernick to be fired because he did something that was Un-American. McCarthyism is alive and well.
If you refused to work with the hearings you could charged with contempt of court and thrown in jail. There was seldom any evidence, so your rights to fair trial were removed. I see people demanding that they throw away the keys on "Nazis" that haven't even went to trial. I have read far too many opinions that the marchers at Charlottesville should lose their rights as Americans. McCarthyism is alive and well.
Journalist and government officials had to take loyalty oaths and sign papers that they aren't and would never join the communist party. Online petitions are thrown around on every topic. Sign this we need 50,000 signatures to declare the KKK as a hate group. As I see it, those petitions have really no value, those are the modern loyalty tests. You have to sign the petition to show that you support your social group. McCarthyism is alive and well.
Freedom of Speech was limited during the red scare. Group were looking at everything seeing if any person was loyal enough to be allowed to work in various fields of employment. In judicial affairs, for example, support for free speech and other civil liberties eroded significantly. This trend was symbolized by the 1951 U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Dennis v. United States, which said that the free-speech rights of accused Communists could be restricted because their actions presented a clear and present danger to the government. Accused communists, so you could lose your rights to speak freely if someone accused you of being a communist. The far-left groups of Antifa and BLM wish to silence opposing views, their counter protests are aimed at no-platforming others. McCarthyism is alive and well.
One of the greatest journalists is Edward R Murrow. He was one of the only people to stand against McCarthyism. Murrow was accused of being a communist sympathizer. McCarthy took anything that could be communist and tried to claim that Murrow was a communist. Murrow told the world that just because he knew communists, that it doesn't make him a communist. Murrow had a friend that was communist and didn't try to convert Murrow, but respected Murrow for telling the truth during his reporting during the war. During the last few weeks, I have devoted much time to search for and tell the truth. I remembered the legal rights of the individual and stood my ground. For this action, I have been called a Nazi or a Nazi sympathizer. McCarthyism is alive and well.
The old adage is that people that don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it. That is very true, and it is repeating itself now. And the newer added part to that old saying is also coming true. There are those that do learn their history, and they have to suffer as they watch the idiots repeat that same bit of history.
The "truth" is a concept that is being placed up for attack by some, and ignored by many more. The truth is a goal to understand and further humanity. Truth is said to be all about perspective, I disagree , what is right and wrong is all about perspective, but the truth is factual and can't be twisted. When people tell you the truth, one must question and challenge what is being said. But once tested does it remain? If so, then it is the truth.
The truth is that I oppose McCarthyism, it violates what I hold dear. I oppose the far left and the far right ideals that include violence. Violence should be the last resort not the first response. People have the right of peaceful protest, not violent mob rules.

Monday, August 14, 2017

Unethical Hatred

In our society, we live in a world full of hate. So many people have become polarized in so many ways, it is sickening. Hate takes on many forms and it is growing fast. How we let hate come in and rule over our lives speaks volumes for us as individuals and as a group.

Hate is not a universal wrong. While it would be a wonderful world to have no hate. That is one utopia we can't afford to have. Hate is a primal emotion, it is required to survive and thrive in this world. We become hateful when we feel endangered. Most animals have a fight or flight mentality. Both men and women are equally capable of becoming enraged.

We have a concept that hate is negative and should be shunned. Why people are hateful must be learned. People are generally good, and so there needs to be a reason why. Anger is considered to be the same as hate, but there is a difference. Being angry is when you are disgusted with a situation or person. This feeling is generally short lived. Anger is a temporary event. Hatred is different, hate is a grudge that you feel. It is a long lasting and has its roots into each individual's backstory. Think about some of the simple hates you have, such as a type of food. Maybe you hate Zucchini because your mom made you eat it as a child. Events and influences in our backstory cause these hates. Ignorance and ms-information are the main sources of hated. Children are not born racist, they are taught to be racist.

Prejudices are taught through biases about the roles of different groups. Every single Political, racial, civic, and sexual piece of discrimination is a form of hatred. People tell how we shouldn't trust blacks, because of some stupid reason. Strictly religious people tell the masses how homosexuality is an abomination. Those that are devout with those religions are taught to hate those that are different from their standards. Political viewpoints have become extreme in current times. Party lines and hot topics create hate by dividing people against each other.

How do we combat this hate? Compassion and understanding are the first two keys we need to get past this hate. We need to understand their perception. Understanding a perception doesn't mean that you agree with it. Finding their perception tell us why they feel and act the way they do. This can lead to opening up communication. That is part of the other two keys we need in resolving hate.

Communication and education are very necessary in ridding the world of hate. Blurting facts won't make a bit of difference. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink. If someone believes that Hispanics are crossing the border and smuggling in drugs, just posting crime statistics for the last 50 years is going to do nothing. An open dialog with people where they can also give their opinions and information is needed. This interaction lowers defenses and allows information to be processed. We have to be patient and show understanding to stop the hate.

No Platform” is a form of hate as well. It is an extreme view of absolutism. You must agree with me or you will be silent. This is one form of unethical hate that I see coming from both sides of every battle. We may not agree with another person's views, we might even call them hateful. But each person has the right to think for themselves as they wish. It becomes unethical when you broadcast your views, but deny a;ll other perspectives. It is believing that you have the right to say whatever you wish, but if anyone says anything opposing you are offended and you have the right to silence them.

On social media the demand of absolute loyalty is tested with every post. People will remove you from groups for the wrong use of words. Standards are enforced to fit into any group. Are you faithful enough? They will scan every post to test and police you. You could openly support the LGBT community, but one wrong word or statement could turn that LGBT group against you. This mistrust breeds hate as well. They refuse to use compassion and understanding.

Most social media types are thin skinned as well. Any opposing view or view that doesn't fully support a post is viewed as an attack or “trolling”. Posting a moderate well worded viewpoint on an extreme viewpoint post is usually viewed in this manner. These extremists are so hateful they view all differing views as attacks and build a 'cult of personality' around them and opposing them. These cults fester in hate and distrust. Feminist Anita Sarkeesian is a prime example of this cult of personality and hate. Her one sided videos incite fellow feminists to hate and mistrust men. This creates the counter culture of men arguing back. Some men use reason and compassion and others use Anita's level of spite. Anita does “No Platforming”, which doesn't allow dialog and promotes hate.

Ethics are important , they are the rules that we live by. Ethics are the core of knowing what is wrong and right. Each person has their own unique code of ethics. These ethics are built just like our hatred and prejudices. Every decision and action molds our ethics. Our education and civil interactions also shape our ethics. In every religion and culture there is a set of ethics and they are placed on us. One of these universal rules is Doing onto others as you would have done to yourself.

We get angry at undefined events and make rash unethical demands of vengeance. When Collin Kaepernik refused to stand during the National anthem, the outrage was instant and the outrage was unfounded. People demanded that Kaepernik be fired, they claimed that he was being unpatriotic. Doesn't Mr Kaepernik have the right to protest and have freedom of expression? Well According to the constitution, he has that right to protest exactly the way he did. All that hate is from people that refused to respect the constitution. And ironically, mandatory patriotism like what all these demanded, is what they do in Fascist/communist nations like North Korea. Their ignorance on other people's rights created a hate that should not have happened. These people lacked the compassion and understanding needed for the events that occurred.

Civil rights protests and the counter protests are growing more and more violent. This hate grows on both sides of aspect. But the violence could be stopped with some understanding and patience. People have the right to assemble and protest if they want. When we act to block, we only incite the hatred more, because they are feeling oppressed. Tempers will flare and hatred will lead to violence. Counter protesting is an action of hate as well. This action is a physical form of “No Platforming” . The other side is offended that an opposing group is voicing their views. So they form a protesting body in direct opposition. It doesn't matter what the cause is, the counter protest group is guilty of creating an atmosphere that promotes violence. They could have protested elsewhere or at a different time, but elected to go against another group of people. And just like the social media, a verbal barrage of opposing views escalates and creates more rifts and more hate.

This escalation is dangerous, in every group there is a zealot, a radical. This person is overwhelmed by emotions and will do something horrific. As I write this statement , yesterday a young man drove a car into a crowd of people that he was in opposition with. He killed one lady and injured several others. He tried to drive away, but he was apprehended. It was his lack of compassion and understanding that lead him to ignore his ethics and take a life. When the cause is more important that the people, you are dangerous.

This is one of the reasons for this statement. We as a society have lost our ability to reason and moderate with others. Hate has been able to grow unchecked in so many areas. Conservatives attack liberals. Feminists belittle Male aspect of society, The religions seek to silence that that believe differently. So many take the radical approach and close dialog with anyone that thinks differently.

Unethical hate has one more foul twist. People attack others without regard to any limitations. They feel so passionate about a topic that any means to achieve victory is allowed. Actions that you would protest if they were done to yourself, you do without concern. When you forget that you are dealing with another person, and just view them as the enemy, you have become an instrument of hate. All things that you have worked for and virtues that you claim are worthless.

The neo-nazi/white supremacy protests are something I disagree with. Their ideals are in opposition with what I believe in. But today I found myself defending the individuals attending that protest, but not their ideals. Like Mr. Kaepernik, they have the right to protest even when I disagree with the reason why. And people have the right to disagree with the protest as well. What I saw were memes of the protesters asking if you recognize them, and if you were their employer. I see this as an unethical hateful move. If the person was part of the march but committed no acts of violence, why should he be fired? This is a personal attack, and the people that are supporting this action would be upset if someone did the same thing to them. Yes, they have different views, but people have the right to express those views. They are ignoring their own ethics to attack a person they don't even know. They are lacking the compassion, understanding, and decent morals.

Hate has overran our society. It has blinded and divided people. We go by labels and groupings , seeking to find our space to be safe and accepted in. Ignorance and fear has turned people against communication and diplomacy. I find it so hard to communicate with others because they can't or won't understand my viewpoint. I give you this statement to inspire you to encourage compassion, understanding, patience, communication, and education. To stop hate, we must overcome the ignorance that created the hate. We must fill that void with knowledge and kindness. The journey will be long and hard worked, but in the end, it will be worth it.