Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Being at a Crossroads, Changing Course....

My  path  has hit a small  obstacle, and my course has changed. I have been following a "Druid's" path  for years now. One of my constant  duties is learning more about the Celtic people and their awesome history.  I  was reading an interesting website that  was filled with  important information, and  a list of misconceptions of druids.  And that  is when the boulder fell upon my path.  I  discovered more information that  I  thought was true, as not so  true.    I  have always tried to  follow this concept of being as historically correct as possible.  I knew that  there would be times that  some things would have to  be removed as new information can forth. I  had no  trouble with  that.

 I  once believed the Druids to  be a  profession in the Celtic Society.  In my  eyes, they  were specialized, high educated , spiritual  leaders of Celtic Society.  I  was  proclaiming myself as a druid and worked diligently to  achieve this goal of mine.  I  believed that  there was this Celtic Tree Calendar. I  learned of writers that  made a lot of crap  up  about the Celts and their spirituality. 

When I  was forced to  rethink  about the druids role in Celtic Society,  and everything connected to  all  these falsehoods, I  struggled with  everything.  I  was asking questions and studying even harder everything that  I  thought I  knew.  One of these falsehoods was the 20 years of training for druids. Nope, Caesar stated that  it would take 20 years to learn what  they  knew.  Which  was a compliment toward the intelligence of the Celtic people. The Celtic  tribes were a great threat to  Caesar because they  were very intelligent and skilled craftsmen  and warriors.  I  was foolish  and never researched the Celtic Tree Calendar any  more than I  did.  I  had to  check  to  see what  tree I  was and left it at that. I  thought it  was cool  that  I  was a Hawthorn.  I  came to  learn recently that it was a stupid made-up piece of garbage.

So  after my month of struggles I  have figured out my problems and I  am walking on.  Druids are still  an important part of Celtic Society,  they  were the highly educated men and women of Celtic Society. Druids are the educated class of the Celtic people, nothing more.  SO I  am still a druid because I  am well educated.  But my profession in the Celtic/Pagan society is what  got clearer.

I  am starting a new direction  with  my path, I  don't have any  fancy names or fine details fleshed out yet.  But I  am happy once again and I  see few possible obstacles to  deal  with  now. I  get to  thank  my love for old fashioned roleplaying for reminding me of what  I  want to  be. Rolemaster RPG had a profession  called the Warrior-mage, and that  is the role that  I  will  now fill.  I  am not following a Wiccan ideal. The Celts were fierce warriors, we aren't the  "Harm None" people.  Mess with  us and you would be hunted and killed.  The Celts did  some ancestor worship  and held honor very  highly.  They  we buried with  swords ,  so  the pacifist mentality just doesn't work for the Celtic people.   The Celts understood and used magic openly.  I  want to  embrace the full  aspect of the Celtic people, so I  will  embrace the Warrior-Mage gladly.  I  believe that  not  everyone in the Pagan communities can be a priest/priestess. Some would be great bards, others teachers, maybe a healer.....

I  also learned to  be more open and less strict in everything in my spiritual  path.  I  knew that  it would be impossible to  follow the Celtic ways because of all  the information  lost over the years of persecution and hiding.  There would be too  much  that  I  would never know. Also  this  would require me to  be a little more accepting of others in their Pagan belief systems, as long as they  show an honest  focus on pagan beliefs without incorporating other beliefs and they  don't  try to impose it on others.

The Celts believe in the three realm concept and not  the Greek  concept of breaking everything into it's prime components. Also  I  am removing all  ideas of tools having male or female aspects. I  believe that  there is both in all  objects. The Celts honored men and women as equals, so I  am not going to  separate tools as either male or female. So  I  am reducing my sacred tools into my idea of the Warrior Mage.   A total of 6 tools to use.  The Mage would have athame to  represent the Sky realm, wand to  represent the sea realm, and a Celtic Cross to  represent the Earth realm.  The Warrior would have a Sword , staff, and Shield  to  represent their respected realms.  I  just got done painting my shield that  I  made 4 years ago.  The shield would  also  work  as my altar when I  am outside  performing a ritual.  The other tools that  are common in other pagan practices would still  be used but not viewed as important.

As a Mage/Witch  I  would study the various forms of magic, and not focus on one specific type of magic. I  would work  with  cord and candle magic, just as equally as I  would research  ritual  magic.  Now  that  I  wouldn't be so  focused as a community leader, I  would focus on more personal matters and dabble more in herbs and tarot cards.

As the warrior, I  would focus on discipline and tactics of warfare.  Embracing the history and ideals of the warrior as well. This  would require me to  take on a more aggressive tone when defending what  is more important to  me and the Pagan community.  Not  all  battles are fought with  the sword and thus  a strong mind is required.  Most importantly there would be no  animal  sacrificing or any  blood magic involved.

My  demand with  balance and the harsh  reality stays intact.  I will  work  in the shadows to  deal with  demands of life.  Try  to  work  in a positive way  at all  times, unless one is forced to  stand against something.

I  see so  much  advancement with  this concept of mine, I   have removed so  many self-imposed limitations on myself in the past.  I  will  be sharing more as my path is better detailed.

Take Care, Be at Peace...

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