Monday, July 25, 2016

Pagan and politics.. breaking the two party system.

So you are deciding who you are voting for by party size and power. What about ethics? Shouldn't you base your decision on the values of the candidate that best match yours? I find it silly that people want to vote for the "winning side" instead of best candidate to represent themselves. As a pagan , and bound by karma, 3-fold law, the laws of retribution, or whatever you want to call it, if you are voting to win, instead of by ethics, don't you deserve to lose. I might not like losing an election, but as long as I did what was honest and ethical , I can sleep at night.

If too many people like you are afraid to follow their heart and vote for the ethically best candidate even if it is a third party candidate, then you are forced into voting for the lesser of two evils. Either way you are voting for evil. As a pagan we have to learn to stand strong and sometimes alone for what we believe in, you are going against everything that pagans do in following their beliefs in a minority. You are letting fear control your life and actions. You are following what others tell you and letting them have power over you. Inner strength is required to lead your own life and do what you think is right, even if it is unpopular.

Facts are that registered independent voters now outnumber the republican and democrat parties combined. All it takes to win is for people to be strong enough to walk away from the two-party system. Are you strong enough? All it takes to lose to the lesser of two evils is to stay in the shadows of the two party system. I am tired of pagans hiding and trying to fit into social norms.

My path honors the warriors that stood against impossible odds and fought for what they believed in. They knew that honor was earned when they stood their ground and defended what was important. Are you going to stand your ground, or convert to the ranks of the oppressors.

The two party system is just like the Christian church. both will impose their will on you and require you to fill their needs. They are no longer the friends of a free society. They are no longer hiding their intent , you will have to fight for your freedoms sooner or later. This is just like Churchill's speak of appeasement. Are you going to feed the alligator hoping that by the time that it gets to you, it will no longer be hungry.

You may not like what I said or how I said, but it none-the-less needed to be said.

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