Monday, March 5, 2012

And the battle continues

When I  created this blog I  told myself that I  was going to  do my best to  keep politics out of this. I  just can't do it, religious rights is a political topic. The GOP has pushed it's religious beliefs into politics, so this blog tonight is about politics.  I am a man that loves equality and balance, women while different than men are balanced with men and equal to men.  Any man that  thinks that  women are lesser to himself is just wrong.

I have been reading and watching the news about everything the GOP wants to do with social issues.  And in my eyes it comes to this, the rethuglican party is out to strip women of any and all pride and rights.  They  are so angry about the status that  women carry that  they  are carrying out a religious war against all women.

First off, there are many intelligent women in congress both republican and democrat. Women that  can be supportive and when needed strong leaders.  But yet who do  the rethuglicans get to be candidates for the 2 highest positions in the US?  Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachmann have proven to be two  uneducated ladies that have no concept of the constitution and basic laws.  Look  at all  the clips you have seen of the stupid things these two have done.  Why  would you do  this unless you are looking for something else. A way  to make women look inferior.

Second, the attacks of Abortion, the GOP wants to  ban all abortions. And since they  can't overturn it outright. They are chipping away  at it in every single restriction that  they  are trying to pass in all  50 states. They are trying to  force ultrasounds, waiting periods, forcing women to go  through therapy, trying to  give the mass of 20 cells full rights. There is the extreme that if the mother has a miscarriage and she possibly looks like she did something to cause the miscarriage, she can be charged with  murder.  They are trying to  take away the rights a woman has over her own body.

Birth Control, the GOP is trying to create so many obstacles in a woman get birth control. Birth control pills can be used for other needed medical needs. Such as controlling Ovarian cysts.  The GOP  can't see this and goes on a rampage saying that  government can't force religious organizations to do something against their core beliefs.  But they  have no  trouble with  the government investigating a miscarriage as a possible murder. They have no hurt feelings when the government is to prevent homosexual  couple from getting married.

Then the latest stupidity by Rush Limbaugh, calling a young lady standing up  for what she believed in a "slut and a prostitute".  Where is the class and the respect for women on this action. I have yet to see one candidate speak against Rush on the matter. And the only reason why  Rush  apologised was because he was losing money as the sponsors were leaving him.
And the interesting thing was that  this Young lady was blocked from speaking her mind at a  meeting. The rethuglicans didn't want to  hear her, so  they  didn't allow her to speak. The Democrats were the ones that had to have a special meeting so  that  she could speak.  I  guess the GOP did want her to exercises her freedom of speech.

In Wisconsin, they  are talking about a bill  that  would blame most child abuse on single parents. And we already  know that  most single parents  are mothers.  Another way  to  blame the women for something that  they  can't control.  The rethuglicans are going to  force the lady  to have the child, then condemn her for being a single parent. This is just wrong.  I  couldn't help but thinking about certain situations that might occur. What if the father dies in a car crash, leaving the mother to raise the child alone. What if the father is over seas and is killed  in  an armed conflict?  As payment for dying for your country,  the GOP thinks the child should be placed in foster care.

The GOP wants to destroy education  but force kids to be born. If you are going to  flood the US with more kids, you better be flooding money into education, not taking it away.  But the GOP wants large amounts of stupid people to do labor and not know how they are getting screwed over.

Homosexual  marriage is fought about because two women can get married. How can a man have a wife to abuse if she is married to another women. Remember back in the early 1900's a man can slap  the wife around and it was just fine. He was keeping his family in order.

When the GOP  thinks they have won these battles they  will move to the next item on their agenda. Removing ladies right to vote. If they can't decide what  to do with  their bodies, they shouldn't be allowed to vote.  The GOP wants to  strip away  rights of women  as fast as they  can. If you repress a certain group of people, they will likely vote you out of office. But if they can't vote anymore, you can repress them all  you want.

The GOP has been talking about beating Obama and their Christian biased social issues. They are the biggest threat to our freedoms and country.  If you want your freedom, you have to fight for it.