Sunday, December 16, 2012

The tragedy at Sandy Hook School

     I have been active on facebook  the last  two  days reading all  the comments related to  the tragedy at Sandy Hook School.  I  am going through many  different emotions and fighting to understand everything. Which is quite the task at  this current time.  This blog is to vent and express my feelings and opinions.  So  please bare with me as I  go through my  various emotions.

     I  find it a great tragedy when children are hurt  for no reason.  But for the kids to be killed is heinous.  Those lives could have turned into something wonderful. They  could have been artists, thinkers, leaders, teachers , the list is long and amazing. They had nothing holding them back. It was a great loss for them to  die in such a worthless manner. I  think of the ones that  lived and all  the mental  anguish they  are going to live through for the rest of their lives.  Their friends died in the very  same rooms that  they  will  be in.  How can you function normally when you know that is the spot where your friend died.

     In tragedies like this there are those that  stand and shine. There were people that  forgot about their own safety and thought about the kids. Vicki  Soto was one of those heroes.  Vicki hide her kids and waited for the gunman and told him they  were gone.  He then killed her. The courage she had, the moral strength she possessed is amazing.  I have to say  thanks to  Vicki and the others that  did  everything they could to  protect the children.  I  also  have to  say  thanks for giving me hope.  There are times that I  look out on society and I  think that it is slipping away. I  just hope there are others that  have Vicki's  attitude.

     I  went looking for answers, and I  was disgusted with  the results. I  learned what  the killer's name was and so I  decided to  see if he had a facebook  page that I  could see.  People out there were creating facebook  pages with  his name.  Supposedly to  help  the school. But if you truly wanted to  help  the school,  you would have named it after the school, not the killer.  This is why I  lose faith in humanity.  Someone thought it would be cool to  support a killer of kids.  Where did  these people learn their values?  Do  they  understand right and wrong?

     People are using this event for there personal  gain. If this event could assist their cause, they  were spewing a lot of crap.  Gun control is one of the issues going nuts right now.  I  believe in gun control but also I  believe in gun owner's rights.  If you are a hunter and you follow the laws, sure  you can have your fancy hunting rifle and shotgun.  But  there is no need for the semi-auto weapons.  People  do  have the right to  defend themselves. You  can't take away  the guns from the homeowner. Criminals aren't going to  follow the law and banning  guns would mean that  homeowners would be defenseless. 

     Guns kill that is what  they  are designed to  do, however the guns don't do  the killing. If you are so obsessed with killing someone , you will  find a way  to  do it.  The are other ways of killing people,  bombs, knives, cars, poison, and many  more.  So we need to improve our mental  health  resources so that  people don't get this bad.  It is still  very early in the investigation of the event. The killer killed his own mother,  why we don't know. I  feel  that  he attacked the school because he was angry with  his mom and the mom was part of the school. 

     The religious have been bringing there 'get god back into  school' rant into play. I  watched a video  that  explained that  this is a result of kicking god out of the schools in 1962.  That if we welcome god back into  the schools this would never happen again.  There is nothing more disgraceful than using the death of children to push  your faith.  This is an act of someone that  doesn't  deserve respect as well.  The man pimping god in schools is going against his own religion.

  1.  The bible says that  the son shall not carry the sins of the father.  SO  then why  were the children the primary target?  These children didn't remove god from the schools, so  why  were they  attacked?  They  did  not sin!!!
  2. The man in the video  claimed that  god doesn't go where he is not wanted.  When women are raped they  are begging for help, they  are asking for god to  help  them. Where was god? He was wanted.
  3.  Most christian denominations give the age of accountability as 13.  If these children were so young,  why  did  this god allow them to  be punished for 'god' being kicked out of the schools. They  didn't understand the concept of god.
  4. This man doesn't understand the 1st amendment. He talked about freedom of religion. And the right to  have religion in school. But  he fails to  see then that  all  religions must be honored. Is this same man going to  allow Allah  to  be in schools?  I  bet he would shutter if he saw a picture of Cernunnos  right next to  jesus.

     In the days ahead we are going to learn many sad facts about this event.  Motives and details of the events as they  unfolded.  In your hearts try to  find a way to  deal  with  all  the emotions going through you.

     I will not give the name of the killer.  I will  not help him become famous.  If you have troubles in life, you need to  find a way  to  deal with  them.  Before you con cider  going out and hurting someone,  you need to find alternatives.  If someone wronged you and you need revenge,  fight someone that  can defend themselves. If you go out and kill defenseless people like children and the elderly, I  think you are worthless as a person and you should be forgotten at  that moment.  I  think a law should be passed that  all  alleged killers names by withheld from the media. And if any media source releases the name of the killer , they  face a $100,000 fine.  People need to  remember Vicki Soto, and forget about the killer of children.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Yule and Christmas

    So  we are off and running into  this years 'War on Christmas", you can just feel  the disgust in the air. Since I  have left Christianity, I  have been deeply involved in this 'war'. But not  this year, I  am feeling bored with  the situation.  Nothing has changed from last  year, the same people are raising a fuss of saying "happy holidays".  And the question that I  want to  ask is why. Why is it so important to make this into a bigger deal  than what it needs to be?

    The Pagan Yule and the christian Christmas are not on the same day.  There could easily be respect for the to religious holidays,  but  that is not going to  happen in my lifetime. I  could post a page worth  of historical facts and they  won't make one bit of difference.  A couple of years ago I  made a YouTube video that expresses my point.

     I  am greatly bothered by  fox news,  not much  of a surprise,  for their attacks on people that  use the word "holiday' instead of Christmas.   Because of the fact that there is nothing original about  Christianity , that  tree is of pagan origin.  And if you call it a  holiday  tree instead of a Christmas tree, you are viewed as unamerican.   In the land of religious freedoms and freedom of speech, you are a unamerican if you don't follow the conservative christian mentality.

     There is a time that  we have to  stand for  what  we believe in and what we know as true.  So I  have to  make my  stand about  this because if I  don't, who will?  If you are a christian and you want to  celebrate Christmas and you follow your traditions with  your close family and friends, I  am happy for you.  However, if you are the type  that  gets ticked off because someone said "happy holidays"  instead of  "Merry  Christmas".   You need to  rethink  your ideals .  Nobody  is supporting a different holiday,  they  are being respectful for  what  ever holiday  you may follow.  I  don't hear a single Jew complaining about  not hearing "Happy Hanukkah" when they  go  shopping.  The Pagans don't post complaints about not hearing "Blessed Yule"  when they  go out shopping. SO  the cashier in K-Mart said  'happy holidays',  is it worth getting so  angry about?

     The war on Christmas is a self-imposed war.  The zealot conservative Christians don't like to  handle anything that  takes away from their beliefs. Most have this closed minded view that  you are either for god or against god.  They fail  to understand what  true freedom of religion is all  about.  There are places on this  earth that have government controlled religion.  Where practicing Christianity is against the law.  And the Christians think  it is such a bad thing. But yet they  have no  troubles  trying to impose the same thing here as long as Christianity is the religion forced on everyone. 

     We as pagans view this time with  peace and happiness. The sunlight will  be returning on Yule, Winter has come, but it will  be gone soon  enough, and new life will  come forth. We  deal  with  the scars of Christianity.  We are told that  we must honor some of the christian traditions of Christmas, and it takes away from our Yule.   Our pagan ancestors were never this greedy.  They  understood what  was really important to life and love.  Yet  many  pagans dive into  the christian greed and pride and waste money on things that  are not really that  important.   When you  give, do  you give from the heart or from the checkbook? 

      I  want to  wish  everyone a 'Happy Holidays", and I  say  that  out of respect to  what  ever path  you walk.  No matter if it is Christmas, Yule, Hanaukah , or any other holiday,  I  wish  you happiness and love.