Thursday, December 25, 2014

The War on Christmas, from a different point of view.

I am trying to fight this "war on Christmas". I am using logic and reason to explain this to everyone. And it just seems that everyone else has drank too much egg nog with rum and then had a massive bowl of stupidity flakes.

Please let me make this freaking clear to all of you pagan minded people that are messing everything up for the rest of us.....

Christmas is a Christian Holiday. It was created by the pope many years ago to compete with pagan solstic...e celebrations. Why? Because the Christians had nothing to keep the newly converted Christians from going back to the old ways and celebrate the various old ways. The pope told the various clerics to take existing Pagan traditions and activities and put a Christian spins to them, and sell that as now acceptable Christian traditions.

99.999999% of all Christmas traditions come from pagan traditions. There are many different dates for the various winter solstice events. Generally speaking they are usually on December 21-22. Saturnalia was a Roman celebration that started on the 17th and lasted for about 7 days. But it was Hanukah that really set the date. With Jesus being a Jew, And the Jewish religion was a competing religion as well. So Christmas was placed on Dec 25th.

So please stop wishing me a Happy Yule.. Yule is over now for this year. So if you want to put out all these yule blessings on Christmas, you have your dates screwed up. Or Maybe you are still fighting the whole Christians stole Christmas from us pagans. Well if you are wishing 'Blessed Yule" on Christmas to get at those Christians, then you are proving the Christians right in that there is a war on Christmas. Stop it!!!!!

I recently seen a "Shamanic origins of Christmas" post on facebook. There is no Shamanic origins to Christmas. Some of the traditions in modern Christmas can be traced to different pagan cultures. You can not find a single pagan tradition that is the single source for all Christmas traditions. You are looking for an argument and again showing that there is a war on Christmas.

Kirk Cameron was slightly right this year. Christmas is a Christian holiday, and it is being stolen by pagans. Why? Because too many pagans are trying to claim what Christmas is today is their holiday and not the Christians. Christmas was originally called Christ's mass, it is something that the Christians have to celebrate their religion. We pagans, still have our Yule, Saturnalia, Winter Solstice... or whatever you call your winter pagan holiday. The Christians did try to destroy our beliefs and traditions, but they still live on. So follow your belief's religious holiday according to your beliefs, don't go claiming something that isn't part of your religion.

We Pagans know that their traditions come from us, and we can prove it. Let them have their Christmas, and lets enjoy our Yule and then move on.

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