Monday, December 5, 2011

The Fragile Pagan Community

I have been a pagan for many  years now, and I have seen how large groups of people can never get along. It is well documented that  the Christians and muslims can't get along with thier own, but  that  also  applies to us pagans. Their is the infamous 2% rule  when it come to  groups, that  there will always be 2% of any  group  that  take a hardline view on any subject.  I have had Yahoo groups for pagans and the level of bickering is as bad as the christians fighting over jesus  being god or the son of god.  The Pagan communities are rather fragile, but so  are many  other groups.

What is all  the fighting about...EVERYTHING! I  could write a short novel discussing all  the arguements in paganism.  Is the Wiccan Rede law or just an idea? Can you harm someone to  defend others? What  side to  you cast a circle with?  Which Pantheon is better? What is Historically correct and what isn't. Is there white and dark magick? Like I  said there are so many, but the one I  want to  talk  about tonight is the "Who has the right to  represent me as a pagan?" question.

There has been rumors and efforts by some to recreate  an "American Council of Witches". And the one thing that I have seen is a lot of pagans saying that  this council doesn't know what  you practice and thus can't represent you.  This is one of the many  repurrcussions of christianity. I  wonder how many  of you realize that  you feel  this way  becuase of the ways christianity tried to  control you and the way  that  you think. Many  pagans were once christians, and one of the reasons why we left was because we hated being controlled. So many  pagans view this council idea as a way  to  control pagans. While I  see thier point of view, I  see the error of that  stance.  If we as pagans can't get past  this  hurdle we can never work together to counter any other religions attempts to limit the activities of paganism. Does it have to  be this way? Are we doomed because of our christian fears to prevent any  group of people represent us to  the rest of the world?  Can we just for a moment decide on a group of people that  work for the pagan communities in collecting and giving information out about paganism as a whole?

It shouldn't matter that I  am a druid and another pagan is a wiccan. If we can remove the finer points of  everyone's unique paths , we should be able to  accomplishing many  things. I have witnessed arguements on who is pagan and who isn't. Too many  people say  hello to  all "pagans and wiccans", but yet wiccans are pagans.  I have seen arguements of neopaganism and vintage  paganism.  I  really don't see an end to  these debates. Here the two-sided sword of labels is hurting paganism. I  do  like to know what  a person believes, that  way I understand what is important to  them.  An Asatru has little concern over the wiccan rede, a stryga might  not want to  talk about Cerridwen. But too many use labels as a way  to  seperate pagans that  we don't agree with  as a seperate group.  Jimmy is a neopagan with a path based on  Gardenerian ideals, he is not like me I  am a druid / Celtic Recon with a dedicated honor of Lugus.

Religious Tolerence is what  most pagans seek for, but are hypocritical for just the same. We want the rights to  follow out beliefs freely and openly, but not only do  we refuse it on many  christians we refuse to  give it to many  pagans. As long as Jimmy  doesn't judge my path, why  should I  judge his. We have to  lead by  example, to  show  the christians and muslims this is how it is done. If a group of pagans is to  be formed they must be able to be respectful of other paths.  And we as pagans need to  show adult  behavior and give them a chance to  show thier true intentions.

To  those that  want to  help  the pagan communities and do it with pure intentions, I  give you my deepest gratitude. You have a difficult job full of challenges.  The more I  discover  people standing up willing to face negative remarks and actions, the more proud I  am for being a pagan. We don't walk the same path, but we do  share some of the same views. If you are a pagan  look around at the pagan ezines, blogradios, and youtube videos and realize something  special. Your path is your path, and it is wonderful when it crosses the path of another pagan.  That is when we share thoughts, make friends, and make this world a better place.

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