Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Instant Gratification society Update.

Society on a whole has gotten weaker and weaker. Willpower of most 30 and younger seems to  be as strong as Sarah  Palins's grasp on the US constitution.  There is so much  to blame for all of this.
  1. Addictions to  video  games: people are spending more time playing a false reality game then going outside and actually playing a real game.  Had a friend that  knew all  the ins and outs of Madden's latest football game, but he couldn't run 10 yards without huffing and puffing. Today's video  games are overly violent and lack any  type of moral conduct. We all know of the games that  allow you to  beat-up hookers or kill non-Christians .
  2. Addictions to cellphones: Texting has caused such  a lapse in writing skills. The English language is abused so much by  people that poor spelling is now a normal activity.  " How are you Steven?" is now typed " How R U Stevn?". Texting has caused a great loss in verbal communication skills. People can be in the same room  and will  text instead of talking.
  3. Movies: Most popular superheros on TV  have to have a darkness to  them. The clean wholesome superhero is  boring. People want and edgy  hero.
  4. TV:  Channels like Disney are showing kids that  disrespect their parents. The few that  have parents have one that is  below average in many  qualities.  This  teaches children to  whine to  get what  they  want.  Few channels give the parents the resources to  counter this corrupt influence on their kids. Which is why  most TV is bad for kids anymore.There is the unreality programs that  show the world on how it really isn't.  There are programs that  pervert the most simple of things.  I swear that  the reason why  the programs about the "swamp people" is so popular is because most people can finally feel smarter than  someone.
  5. Media: The news in  the US sucks. Too many  times Cindy and myself are watching the BBC for news. Why? Because there is no spin on it . Faux news has such  a terrible spin that  Canada banned it. There isn't any  unbiased news in the US anymore.
  6. Music is about taste,  but many  groups and singers seem to only be popular as long as they are shocking and very unconventional. Lady gaga  can put on a meat dress and sell a million albums. An actual country singer can write a beautiful love song and it will  barely get any   notice.
  7. Education. I  blame this on Republicans that  drive to  cut education every year. Children are not being pushed and guided into being better and learning something.
  8. Parents that don't know what  the heck  they  are doing. We have to have licenses for almost everything. But yet not to have children. Where are those mandatory parenting classes for first time parents.  There are kids having kids. Parents that  want to  be the best friends of their children. And parents that  can't figure out that it is not all  about them anymore.  Cindy has seen parents drag around a child under 3 years old in and out of stores at 8:00 to  9:00 at night. The kid is screaming or crying, maybe the kids is tired and needed a nap  at 1:00 this afternoon or just be able to  go  to  bed at 8:00. Kids need their sleep  for proper brain development. So  the terrible parents are actually harming their kids.
I  am scared that  the society of  my kids is going to  mess everything up  and I  will have to  work even harder to  take care of them and fix their mistakes.  How  can kids and young adults that  don't have the smallest concept of responsibility handle the world as it is?

I  think  about Obama and the situation that he is in. He was never given a chance to  fix anything, before he was given an honest chance, the spin  and blame game occurred and Obama was blamed for everything  done by  the previous administration. Simple  thinking should have stopped this, but  people refused to  think.  How could 4 years of economical hard times be the fault of a man that  was only president for a year?

 I believe that  people have lost all concept of long  term thinking that  you could steal 100 dollars from a person what  six months and give  the person 20  bucks back  and they  will  be singing your praise.  Most people have become so  wrapped up in the here and now that  they  can't picture thinking 2 years in the future or past.  My  proof is with Newt Gringrich, how can a man that  acted so mean and hypocritical  during the Clinton administration be a front runner in the republican presidential  race. He has had multiple affairs and divorces, take money in questionable manners, and sought to impeach a president that  was guilty of having sex with someone else, which is what  he was doing at the same time.

I  feel  that  the instant gratification Society has no boundaries  from religions either. I  have seen pagans  that  are so flaky and seeming to  not see a bigger picture.  They  treat the gods and goddesses like apps for their cellphone. They  will  call on Hecate for a protection spell and wonder why it worked the way it did.  They  will  call on healing energy for every little  event in their lives.  You can only offer a helping hand so much, sometimes you have to  show tough love and tell  them to  suck it up  and learn from the event.  Sometimes you have to  be the grump  that comments, didn't you know that  Hecate is not the white fluffy  protection goddess, she plays dirty.

How can we mature ones change the world around us? How can we guide those that  think  they  know best? How can we survive this?

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