Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Christianity and Eclectic Wicca

There are times were you have to  forget about being popular and stand up  for what  you believe in.  This is one of those cases. I make it no secret that I have troubles with many  eclectic wiccans, specially eclectic wiccans that openly surround themselves with "love , light, and happiness".  Do I  have reasons for being so  down on these people? Yes I  do.  Does this view go  along with my  desire to  have religious tolerence? Yes it does.  This is thier path and not my  path.  While I  might disagree with it, because I  think  that  they  are not balanced. It is for them to live, and not me.

What  does this have to  do  with  christianity? Alot, in my opinion. Thanks to  eveerything that I have learned in the last  few years I  see christianity in a bad light.  Christianity is nothing more than a dualistic jewish cult. These early christians couldn't handle thier god killing and doing all  these bad things, so  they  created ...SATAN.  Satan is actually a hebrew verb meaning "to stand against" In the jewish torah, everywhere that  'satan' is mentioned it is meant in that  manner. That is why  the christians have this dualistic view point of " You  are either for god or against god." 

The bible has over 30,000 verse in it. And most christians haven't read the entire bible like a book. What  they  do is pick  and choose 100 verses and base thier beliefs on those verses. They  picked out the 100 verses that  support thier beliefs and makes them feel  good about themselves.  Anyone that has actually read the bible or done any bible research knows that there are hundreds of bible contradictions.  If a none believer points out a contradiction, they  are told that  they  are reading it out of context. That  some verses are parables and ironic statements. These christians are buffet bible followers. pick  and choose what  they can use and want and ignore everything else.

In the years of debating and dealing with  christians I  have grown an attitude of them being shallow hypocrits. They  are weak  and lazy as well. I  say this  because of the heavan rule concerning jesus. That all you have to  do is accept jesus  as your savior and  all  your sins are forgiven.  All  you have to  do is believe and you don't have to  try to be a good person. You  don't have to work  on yourself to  get into  heavan. Because the fruits of a man's lavor can't earn his way into  heavan...  I  think  that  was added to make another control tool for the priests.

So  what  does all  this have to  do  with  eclectic wicca?  I  would say  that  half of the eclectic wiccans are following the history of christianity. Maybe it is because the growth of wicca was spurred by  the churches not allowing female ministers. Causing many  upset women to  adopt wicca so  that they  can have some level of control religiously in thier lives. They  were having thier christian ways affect thier wicca structure.  They  went through all of the pagan pathways and started to cherry  pick what  they  liked, and shunned the rest. The rede was turned into  this dogmatic law, "Harm none, so it be done". That  was a positive and loving statement, so  they  turned it into  a law. 

Gods and goddesses were also  cherry  picked to  fit the needs of that person.  Pantheons were ignored and the gods and goddesses were served in a buffet for the eclectic wiccans to  choose from.  Where the christians used verses, many  eclectics used a certain god or goddess. "I  follow the goddess Demeter, this makes me a hedge witch."  or " I  honor the god, Dian Cecht, thus I  am a healer."  I  watched and loved a youtube video talking about the gods and goddesses being used  like pokemon.  I have talked to  eclectics that  change thier gods and goddess regularly.  They  never build a relationship  with  the a certain god or goddess, they  use them on a as needed basis.

I  follow a Celtic path, I  honor only the celtic gods and goddesses. The hardest work that I had to  do  was to find the Gaulic names for the gods and goddesses.  I  didn't use the Irish name for this god and the Scottish  name for that  god.  Some of the gods and goddesses that I  honor are not popular or considered nice, but  they  are a part of the Celtic tradition and so I  honor them all.

Light and love... Many  of these eclectic pagans  focus on light and love. They  mirrored the christian stance of only using the positive attributes of a pathway  and shun the rest.  I have been in pagan rooms and chatted with  eclectics that  said that I  am too  negative. I  am blunt and lack  some of the finer points.  I have seen these eclectics run away  from anything that  doesn't make them happy or they complain about how negative people are. Recently in a pagan facebbok group, I  went through just that.  I  was even called a "problem poster". We criticize the christians for being so  closed minded, but these eclectic wiccans can be just as bad.  I  am not wording my  statements in a happy tone, so I  am attacking someone's path.  JUst like if you say something that is not inline with  christian beliefs you are attacking jesus.

I have seen this term used by others and I  have adopted it as well. Fluff Bunny is a term I  use to describe a pagan that is so  concerned with  love and light that  they  have lost all  balance.  They  have become fundies on this stance. They  can't handle negativity on any level. If you can't talk in a loving happy manner they  want you to  be quiet, and you can't argue because that is negative.

Life is not a black  and white world. These eclectic wiccans have the view of light and love, which is 2 dimensional  thinking just like the christian stance of .. You  are either for god or against god.  There are thousands shades of grey in between black  and white. There are thousands of colors as well. If you shun certain aspects of the world you are missing out on so much. The crone is considered by many  as a dark  goddess of death and endings. I look at  her as warmth as well. She is the grandma that  has wisdom to offer.  Grandmas are known to  take care of the children when needed to.  Once you lift that viel of gray  you will  find a heart of warmth.

Conflict is a stressful thing for many  of these eclectics. With  thier love and light stance, when situations come that  require someone to  stand-up  for an important cause, they  run away .  Christian groups like DC-40 wanted to impose christianity as the primary religion of the US. We needed people to  stand up and work against this group.  But the Love and light wiccans refused to  help. DC-40 wanted to  take away  thier rights to follow wicca, but they refused to do  anything.  They  will run and they  will hide, and they  will complain about anyone that  tries to get support to defend pagan beliefs. To  them we should just stop the hostilities, we are being to  negative.  Just like the christians that  proclaim "Love your nieghbor", it only counts when the nieghbor is doing what  you want him to do.

If you are an Eclectic wiccan, you are free to  believe as you want. These are the rules that I have to  place on myself first. If someone believes in a relgion and it makes them happy and they  don't go  around trying to push it on anyone else, I  am happy for that person. I  will  respect your views as yours.  But I  will  find it hard to  take you serious when you can't accept negativity or anything considered dark . Reality has both positive and negative events happening constantly, sometimes we have to  accept it.

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