Thursday, April 24, 2014

Safety versus Freedom.

    All of the turmoil caused by  the arrest of Kenny  Klein is  taking shape , and it is a very ugly monster that  is being created.  Many  people are voicing concern of safety for  the women and children at pagan events.  Men you are on your own, at  these events.  Emotions are still  high and will  cause lapse of thinking by  those that  are enraged by  the possibility of something happening to children.  Don't get me wrong I  want to  protect the children as well, I  am a divorced father and I  would go  psycho if I  learned someone harmed either of my  kids.

     There is some rational  thought  when discussing preventive measures.  We do  need to  keep  a better eye on the children and know the people that  are watching the children as well.  But many  people knew Kenny, just because you knew a person for 10-15 years doesn't mean that  he is not dangerous. Think about the 3 ladies that  were abducted and locked up in a house for over a decade. Nobody really questioned it , it all  depends on how well you can hide your 'bad behaviors'. No security system is fool proof. If someone is desperate enough, they  will  find a weakness to  the system and exploit it.

    Recently in Witch.vox, there was an article written by    Lady Ann Oxyer aka Lady Sage Bastisis , her articled was titled: Safety: Lets shift our focus. I  strongly disagree with  her  concept of improving security at pagan events. She states: "There is a very easy way to counteract the tactics of sex offenders. As I do in my coven, every person who attends an event absolutely has to be checked, at the very least, against the National Sex Offender Registry. It is a free website that anyone can look at and it only takes 15 seconds to type in someone's name and run a quick check. If the person sends in their registration before the event, even better. You can check them out before they show up at your event's registration table. At the registration table, have a laptop with mobile WiFi set up for the ones who didn't register ahead of time."

     A few paragraphs down she then states:"In addition to checking everyone against the sex offender registry, I also propose that state issued It’s be checked at registration, a photocopy of the I.D. is taken and kept on file, and that you keep records indefinitely. I can think of several reasons why this is a good idea; however, the main one being that you have a person's legal name AND photo in case the unthinkable happens at an event. It is much easier for a victim of a sex crime to look through copies of photo I.D.'s to find a perpetrator's face and also it makes cooperating with a police investigation MUCH easier."

    So  starting with  checking every name against the sex offender's registry. If a person has no  sexual criminal  history, they  have nothing to  worry about.  But this can be beaten easily, How many  people can tell if an out of state license is real  or forged. I  could get an out of state license with a fake name , and I  will  not show up on the registry, and thus get access to  the event.

     And there is one thing that  has not been mentioned by  all  the security minded people that  want to impose security standards.  What if the next pervert that  walks through that  gate has never been caught before?  The  Sex offenders registry can't list people that  haven't been found guilty of sex crimes.

    Taking a photocopy of the ID is something I  would have to  scream no to.  And it would be something that  would cause many  people to  walk  away from pagan events.  I say  this because many  pagans are still in the broom closet and the chance that  this information getting out would be devastating to  them.  The worst thing happens, a little girl is molested at an event. All the people that  went to  the event are called to  the police station. What if  "Billy" , snuck  to  the event because he is only 19  and still  lives with  his parents, which  are devout Christians. The police  call  his mom and inform  her of the Pagan Pride day  and the possible connection to the little girl getting  molested. Can you imagine  what  "Billy's" life is going to  be after that  call.

     "John" is also in the broom closet, he attended the same event.  He is innocent of everything, but the police go  to his work and talk  to  him.  If it gets out that  he is a pagan, he could lose his job. Having the police talk to  him about a child molestation is also  going to  cause havoc on his life.  Yes I  would want the pervert found and arrested,  but I  also  don't want it  to  destroy other lives in the process either. They  couldn't ID the assailant because he wore a mask.   It is also  known that  minors sexually abuse those younger than themselves.  So if a 15 year old  molests a 7 year old, there would be no photo ID to  compare with.

    Far  too many  ways to  breach  the supposed security. And there will  be many  of you that  will  tell me that  this is just a start. And that is what  I  am afraid of.  Look  at  the anger and disgust with  the NSA at the airports. Do  we want something like the NSA for pagan events?  Are we going to  require advanced screening and applications to  attend pagan events?  Sorry sir, your application was turned down, you didn't get it in our office in time to purchase a ticket.  Sorry madam,  we no longer allow walk-ins at Iowa Pagan events, you will  have to leave.

     And then many  pagan events occur in NATURE, scary concept I know. And this lady stated:"For many years I have preached, pleaded, and begged leaders in the Pagan Community to NOT take such a laissez faire approach to festival/Pagan event planning. Most Pagan events are held in semi-remote, wooded, primitive camping type settings. People show up at these festivals, pay their entrance fees, and are free to set up camp (literally) , as they like."   And it is true, The Iowa Pagan Pride event takes place at an open city park where people  from the surrounding area can just waltz in.  So  a pervert doesn't even have to  get processed at  the from gate to  get in.  But by  her standard, pagan events should now go inside  a secured fenced in area with  a patrol or a large building to  regulate all people coming and going from the event.

     While an event should make sure that  the area is safe for kids to  be at.  It is still  the parents job to  watch over their children. Why  should event organizers be held to  resolve security issues, when it should be the parents held responsible.  Mom and Dad want to  look  at  the  vendors stuff, kids go  run and play over there. 

    There are bad people out there. They  don't wear signs or send warnings. Some people can hold their evil  intentions back until they  know they  can get away  with  it.  No  security system is fool proof,  if there is a weakness ,people will  find it.

    All of this comes at a price that  I  don't want to  pay. There is a nice little quote that I  remember, and I  want to  share it with  you.   “Those who surrender freedom for security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one.” Quote by Benjamin Franklin.  When great acts go  against people, there seems to be people that  take advantage of the situation to  get what  they  seek.  Look  at  Bush  and the Patriot acts.  Let's not go  down this road of  over-reaction. We have seen the results with the TSA.  In the US we value our freedoms of religion, but  will  we allow fears take control and Tarnish  what  we are working so  hard to  build?
"Anyone who trades liberty for security deserves neither liberty nor security" - Benjamin Franklin
"Anyone who trades liberty for security deserves neither liberty nor security" - Benjamin Franklin
"Anyone who trades liberty for security deserves neither liberty nor security" - Benjamin Franklin

1 comment:

  1. With several organizations with which I volunteer, there are children, and adults. The rule is, there are always three. It's much harder to get 3 people to all agree to something heinous.
