Saturday, March 29, 2014

Just call it Paganism Plus....

     With  the recent arrest of Kenny  Klein for supposed child porn,  there has been a rush of opinions, attitudes, and judgments flying around.  I  tried to be a voice of understanding  and ethics, but  when people get  in their mass hysteria,  reason is the last  thing that  they want to   hear.  Not even 24 hours after he was arrested, people were saying that  he was guilty. And here is where I came in, I  tried to  remind people about the procedure of law. How Kenny Klein is innocent until  proven guilty. And for this I  was accused of supporting Kenny Klein, have child porn, and just being a loser. I  am not supporting Kenny in any  way, I  am stating that he hasn't went to  trial  and thus not proven guilty by a court of law.
      I have seen Kenny Klein's facebook  page, and there are a lot of images of young ladies. Some of they  ladies are not wearing clothes but behind something. And Some of these ladies look  very  young.  But I  am not the best judge of age, and I  figured that this might have to do  with  modeling, and that is something I know very little about.
     I wasn't going to  defriend Kenny because he wasn't  found guilty of these charges.  However new information keep coming up. Kenny wasn't the best father/husband and his family has nothing nice to  say  about  him. As a father myself, I know that  children will  not say  anything bad about their parent unless they have done something very heinous.  Because of this I  am going to unfriend Kenny. But I  do  have to  stay true to  the ethics here. Kenny maybe guilty of A,B, and C, that  doesn't mean that he is guilty of D. we can't transfer guilt from one incident to a different incident.
     With  all  the rhetoric  popping up about Kenny Klein, I  saw a link about conduct at pagan events and I  decided to read it. And was I  ever disgusted with it.  Recently there was a movement in Atheism to create Atheism Plus, a feminist movement within Atheism, and it utterly failed.  The issue was that it did have gender equality, it had demonized men and made women the victim in everything that it sought to  handle. It talked about the 'rape culture' and the "Don't be that Guy" campaign in Canada.
     It is a gender biased essay stating that  men are basically sex driven  hormone machines that  will  rape any women when they  get a chance. I  was offended by  this. I  am an Equalist, I  seek absolute equality with the genders, to a point where gender doesn't matter. Not all  men are rapists, most men are hard working  individuals that  appreciate women. And not all  rapists are men either. One study I  read states that  nearly 15% of all  adult rapists were women. That  number goes up  when it is children that  are molested /raped.   SO  why  punish all men for the actions of a few?
     And I  want to  add that  when the statistics go  against women , I  bet the numbers are irrelevant. Did you know that nearly 80% of all  embezzlers are women. Well if men can be demonized  because 85% of the rapists are men , then women need to  be demonized for  embezzling funds from their employer at  80%.  SO  all  women should be removed from areas that handle money.  Doesn't that  sound terrible, because not all  women are going to  embezzle money, just like all  men are not going to  rape women.
This essay also  talked about how paganism is a female oriented religion. Thus they  must protect women. I  thought paganism is about balance and honoring  both the male and female aspects.  SO  what  happens if a female causes issues with a guy at a pagan event, does he have to take it?  This essay talked about Domestic violence. I have seen too many  reports and studies that have shown  women to  be just as violent  as men. And with laws set-up  to  protect women and treating men like they are automatically guilty, women are becoming more and more violent. And the man has to take the abuse, because if he defends himself, he can be arrested for attacking his female partner.

SO please keep  feminism out of Paganism. It is supposed ,to  be a spiritual  tool, not a political tool.  Let's keep  each other informed without biased rules targeting men as guilty as accused. Remember the outrage when Z Budapest  held a natural  female only ritual event at wiccacon a few years back.  Do  we want to promote that  type of behavior? Both men and women have flaws and are capable of many  great and terrible things.

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