Friday, December 30, 2011

There are no "true" pagans.

Yesterday  was a stressful day in my life, I  was dealing with people that were counter productive for the pagan community. On a facebook group there was a young man that gave a terrible rant. I  am so  happy that I  saved it.

Justin J. Lynch ‎"Most" of the people that you are speaking of don't want anything to do with the Goddess. They are what I politely refer to as "Wanna Blessed Be's"! They use their new found faith as a way to attract attention and nothing more. These people I DESPISE! They make it 10 times harder for true Pagan's. We have enough issues with the "Normals". We don't more "Bad press". As for the few that truly are Pagan and are just trying to "Shock the sheep"... Every faith/religion in the world has morons who think that THEIR religion is the best and must force that knowledge upon everyone they meet. Just be happy in the knowledge that YOU'RE not one of them and move on. Blessed Be ~Love and Light~

Here are the things that  strike me wrong. He is classifying  pagans as true and false pagans. How is this tolerant of  other people's religious views. His comments are as bad as those fundamental Christians that  go around telling who is a true christian and who isn't.  That is one of the aspects of Christianity that  drove me away from Christianity. Every group of people are going to  have people  like this, but nobody said anything about this but me. I  asked this young man to  define his views on what  makes a true pagan, but he refused.

In the post he declares that he "DESPISE" these pagans that  doesn't agree with his way of thinking, and he ended his post with "Love and Light".  Despising people is hateful, it is negative and then ending your post with love and light makes it all  better? I  don't think so, If you are going to  walk  a path of "Love and Light" you can't go  around saying that  you despise certain people. That is being a hypocrite.  And here is where even more hypocrisy comes into  the picture. Others from this group started to  complain about my comments, saying that I  was being negative, but not one word from anybody about Justin despising people and declaring some pagans as false pagans.

If you are going to  complain about negativity  in a group, you should comment about all  people that  post negative comments. Nobody in that  group  was willing to  stand up and admit they  were negative.  I admitted that  I  was negative and the reason why  as well. I  was fighting fire with fire, someone declared that  there are guidelines on being a pagan and I  called him out.

I  had some things to  do and a couple of hours later I  went back  to  this group and saw that they  deleted the two  threads that I  had commented on earlier. I  was told that  "the posts were too negative".  Mostly people didn't like be called out on their biased actions.  They  can't handle negativity or conflict. I  was told by one lady that  she didn't like drama, but went around telling people not to  respond to my  posts. If you didn't want drama , don't get involved in a situation. Her actions were hypocritical of her statements.

Why  does this matter to me?  In the religious debate group  that I  am a part of we have talked to many christians and muslims that said they weren't like those fundamentalists.  Most of us believed that if you are a part of a group  and do  nothing about radicals, you are enabling them. When you see something wrong, you are to  speak against it, well it goes for religion as well.  I  find it disturbing that christian fundamentalists attack and harass non-believers constantly. But not one television preacher has the guts to  tell  his group that  they are not following the teachings of Jesus. How how can you harass others about religion and complain when they comments about your beliefs. You  can't be a pagan and say you believe in tolerance but yet classify pagans  as true and false pagans.

One of the main disciplines that  I  have read in various pagan beliefs is holding yourself responsible as you hold others responsible.  One of my  personal rules is " The moment that  you look the other way  for a friend is the moment the battle of right and wrong is lost.  I  can be negative at times, so I  can't complain about others being negative.  But I  have to speak my mind when I  see hypocrisy in action.

Hypocrisy is my favorite word because it is what  I  battle against on my  journey.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Instant Gratification society Update.

Society on a whole has gotten weaker and weaker. Willpower of most 30 and younger seems to  be as strong as Sarah  Palins's grasp on the US constitution.  There is so much  to blame for all of this.
  1. Addictions to  video  games: people are spending more time playing a false reality game then going outside and actually playing a real game.  Had a friend that  knew all  the ins and outs of Madden's latest football game, but he couldn't run 10 yards without huffing and puffing. Today's video  games are overly violent and lack any  type of moral conduct. We all know of the games that  allow you to  beat-up hookers or kill non-Christians .
  2. Addictions to cellphones: Texting has caused such  a lapse in writing skills. The English language is abused so much by  people that poor spelling is now a normal activity.  " How are you Steven?" is now typed " How R U Stevn?". Texting has caused a great loss in verbal communication skills. People can be in the same room  and will  text instead of talking.
  3. Movies: Most popular superheros on TV  have to have a darkness to  them. The clean wholesome superhero is  boring. People want and edgy  hero.
  4. TV:  Channels like Disney are showing kids that  disrespect their parents. The few that  have parents have one that is  below average in many  qualities.  This  teaches children to  whine to  get what  they  want.  Few channels give the parents the resources to  counter this corrupt influence on their kids. Which is why  most TV is bad for kids anymore.There is the unreality programs that  show the world on how it really isn't.  There are programs that  pervert the most simple of things.  I swear that  the reason why  the programs about the "swamp people" is so popular is because most people can finally feel smarter than  someone.
  5. Media: The news in  the US sucks. Too many  times Cindy and myself are watching the BBC for news. Why? Because there is no spin on it . Faux news has such  a terrible spin that  Canada banned it. There isn't any  unbiased news in the US anymore.
  6. Music is about taste,  but many  groups and singers seem to only be popular as long as they are shocking and very unconventional. Lady gaga  can put on a meat dress and sell a million albums. An actual country singer can write a beautiful love song and it will  barely get any   notice.
  7. Education. I  blame this on Republicans that  drive to  cut education every year. Children are not being pushed and guided into being better and learning something.
  8. Parents that don't know what  the heck  they  are doing. We have to have licenses for almost everything. But yet not to have children. Where are those mandatory parenting classes for first time parents.  There are kids having kids. Parents that  want to  be the best friends of their children. And parents that  can't figure out that it is not all  about them anymore.  Cindy has seen parents drag around a child under 3 years old in and out of stores at 8:00 to  9:00 at night. The kid is screaming or crying, maybe the kids is tired and needed a nap  at 1:00 this afternoon or just be able to  go  to  bed at 8:00. Kids need their sleep  for proper brain development. So  the terrible parents are actually harming their kids.
I  am scared that  the society of  my kids is going to  mess everything up  and I  will have to  work even harder to  take care of them and fix their mistakes.  How  can kids and young adults that  don't have the smallest concept of responsibility handle the world as it is?

I  think  about Obama and the situation that he is in. He was never given a chance to  fix anything, before he was given an honest chance, the spin  and blame game occurred and Obama was blamed for everything  done by  the previous administration. Simple  thinking should have stopped this, but  people refused to  think.  How could 4 years of economical hard times be the fault of a man that  was only president for a year?

 I believe that  people have lost all concept of long  term thinking that  you could steal 100 dollars from a person what  six months and give  the person 20  bucks back  and they  will  be singing your praise.  Most people have become so  wrapped up in the here and now that  they  can't picture thinking 2 years in the future or past.  My  proof is with Newt Gringrich, how can a man that  acted so mean and hypocritical  during the Clinton administration be a front runner in the republican presidential  race. He has had multiple affairs and divorces, take money in questionable manners, and sought to impeach a president that  was guilty of having sex with someone else, which is what  he was doing at the same time.

I  feel  that  the instant gratification Society has no boundaries  from religions either. I  have seen pagans  that  are so flaky and seeming to  not see a bigger picture.  They  treat the gods and goddesses like apps for their cellphone. They  will  call on Hecate for a protection spell and wonder why it worked the way it did.  They  will  call on healing energy for every little  event in their lives.  You can only offer a helping hand so much, sometimes you have to  show tough love and tell  them to  suck it up  and learn from the event.  Sometimes you have to  be the grump  that comments, didn't you know that  Hecate is not the white fluffy  protection goddess, she plays dirty.

How can we mature ones change the world around us? How can we guide those that  think  they  know best? How can we survive this?

The Law and Freedom of Religion.

Last  week I  was witness to a discussion on animal sacrifice. A very  delicate topic in my  mind, but I  was wrong in a conclusion that I  had. I  remember reading that  all  religions have the rights to  be practiced as long as they  follow the laws of the land. With  that  being said, Animal cruelty laws I  thought would ban animals sacrifice. I  was shown a supreme court ruling that allowed animal sacrifice because it was part of a religious practice.

This has so many  dangerous possibilities, that I had to  think  long and hard on how to  address this topic.  There is the US constitution that  says there shall  be no laws pertaining to  religion.  This is the one piece of paper that  protects our rights as non-Christians in the US society.  But at what  point does it allow bad things to happen in the name of religion. There are groups that  sacrifice  and then cook the animal that night as part of their ritual. Santeria being  probably  the most well known.  As long as the animal doesn't suffer and they do  actually eat the animal that  night, I  can accept them doing that  act.  I  am not the type that  would kill an animal unless it was a matter of survival.

What  happens if a group uses religion to molest children.  The Mormons are known to  marry off their girls at 14 years old. Warren Jeffs is going through trial for sexual misconduct with children.  But what if they  say it is part of their religious practice? In Iran a man can marry a 9 year old girl, it is defined in their quran. Where is the limit of freedom of religion and the start of criminal law?

What  bothered me the most with allowing animal sacrifices under freedom of religion is this. Most Serial killers start off by torturing and killing small  animals. When the thrill of small  animals dying is gone they  go  to  a bigger animal, and eventually start torturing and killing humans. What  happens if a serial killer uses his religious freedom to  cover for his mental issues and then starts killing humans.  It could have been prevented if there was crime committed and he had to  get tested by after his third or forth animal cruelty charge.  But then there is the other side of the sword.  What  if a christian dominated state congress passed a series of laws that made small  aspects of paganism illegal.  They  can then slowly make practicing paganism illegal by  outlawing certain traditions.

How can any  group of pagans  work  to  handle this situation? We have to  work to preserve all  branches of paganism and yet give paganism a positive  image.  The moment that  we exclude a group for anything, then we have lost what  we are working for. Other  Pagans would say  that   we are defining what is allowed and not allowed to  be a good pagan, which  we  all know would lead to massive in-fighting.Many  animal rights groups would fall swayed by  christian groups that  say  that  pagans sacrifice animals in blood rituals. But we know that  very  few pagans practice any  type of animal sacrifice.  If religious practice is used to  cover  a person's mental disorder, and he claims to be a pagan, then he can tarnish everything that  matters to us. This is something that  I  would like you to  think  about, and I  would like to  hear your take on this situation.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Pagan image, the clouds that hide our goodness.

    Lately I have been reading and learning more about the outer image of paganism. I have grown concerned and troubled about how people act, and wonder how to  fix it.  But actions by a few can turn into something ugly quickly, and can mirror actions of other religions. We pagans love to  think  for ourselves and some of us protest whenever someone steps on our toes. I  believe that  sometimes we have no  choice in the matter, that  something has to  be done to  protect the greater good of paganism.

The Kaye Berry saga continues, shortly after being told that  she needs to  remove herself from the New Council of Witches concept, she is still  selling services under a witch banner.  A good friend stated that  she was having an Herbal  class for $2,000, a dramatic increase in price. Is she doing this out of anger? My  gut tells me that  she is, but I  will  never know for sure. What  rhetoric is she spewing if she is angry with the pagan community.  She has threatened people with legal  actions, what  does that  say  about paganism? What  does that  say  for pagans? 

I  am bothered with  information that  I  have learned tonight. There is a book called , "The Good Witch  bible" by  Gavin Frost. I have yet to  read the book, not sure if I  want to  buy  the book to  show support for it either.  In this book , there are many questionable comments made about sexuality and children. If half of what I have read about is factual, I  couldn't  support this book in any manner.  All  religions in the US must follow the laws of the land, and anything that  is sexually corrupting children is violating the laws of this nation. This  gives paganism a black eye, Anyone seeking to  find something to  hold over paganism can use this book and say  that  pagans are sexually corrupting children. 

I  am wanting to  promote a clean image of paganism. Pagans are not sexually repressed like the abrahamic religions. We like sex and will  enjoy sex when the proper situation occurs. Most pagans believe in sexual acts between consenting adults, not with children.

How do we protect this image of paganism that  we hold dear to our hearts? If a group of pagans created a list of questionable practices according to  the law, they  could be considered angry and spiteful. We want to  right to  practice what  we believe in, and if we start to "black list" certain aspects connected to  a pagan path, aren't we just as guilty as the christians that  try to condemn  other christian groups?  I  think there is a difference, but not much.  Currently there are fundamental  preachers spreading hate and intolerence about so many  other groups, but barely  any  christians are speaking up  against them. Thus allowing the hate to  continue. If a group of pagans were to make a list of questionable books, rituals,  or groups based solely of  legal and ethical actions, then the difference is made.

Can you stand by and allow others to  tarnish what  you have worked hard to  build?

Monday, December 5, 2011

The Fragile Pagan Community

I have been a pagan for many  years now, and I have seen how large groups of people can never get along. It is well documented that  the Christians and muslims can't get along with thier own, but  that  also  applies to us pagans. Their is the infamous 2% rule  when it come to  groups, that  there will always be 2% of any  group  that  take a hardline view on any subject.  I have had Yahoo groups for pagans and the level of bickering is as bad as the christians fighting over jesus  being god or the son of god.  The Pagan communities are rather fragile, but so  are many  other groups.

What is all  the fighting about...EVERYTHING! I  could write a short novel discussing all  the arguements in paganism.  Is the Wiccan Rede law or just an idea? Can you harm someone to  defend others? What  side to  you cast a circle with?  Which Pantheon is better? What is Historically correct and what isn't. Is there white and dark magick? Like I  said there are so many, but the one I  want to  talk  about tonight is the "Who has the right to  represent me as a pagan?" question.

There has been rumors and efforts by some to recreate  an "American Council of Witches". And the one thing that I have seen is a lot of pagans saying that  this council doesn't know what  you practice and thus can't represent you.  This is one of the many  repurrcussions of christianity. I  wonder how many  of you realize that  you feel  this way  becuase of the ways christianity tried to  control you and the way  that  you think. Many  pagans were once christians, and one of the reasons why we left was because we hated being controlled. So many  pagans view this council idea as a way  to  control pagans. While I  see thier point of view, I  see the error of that  stance.  If we as pagans can't get past  this  hurdle we can never work together to counter any other religions attempts to limit the activities of paganism. Does it have to  be this way? Are we doomed because of our christian fears to prevent any  group of people represent us to  the rest of the world?  Can we just for a moment decide on a group of people that  work for the pagan communities in collecting and giving information out about paganism as a whole?

It shouldn't matter that I  am a druid and another pagan is a wiccan. If we can remove the finer points of  everyone's unique paths , we should be able to  accomplishing many  things. I have witnessed arguements on who is pagan and who isn't. Too many  people say  hello to  all "pagans and wiccans", but yet wiccans are pagans.  I have seen arguements of neopaganism and vintage  paganism.  I  really don't see an end to  these debates. Here the two-sided sword of labels is hurting paganism. I  do  like to know what  a person believes, that  way I understand what is important to  them.  An Asatru has little concern over the wiccan rede, a stryga might  not want to  talk about Cerridwen. But too many use labels as a way  to  seperate pagans that  we don't agree with  as a seperate group.  Jimmy is a neopagan with a path based on  Gardenerian ideals, he is not like me I  am a druid / Celtic Recon with a dedicated honor of Lugus.

Religious Tolerence is what  most pagans seek for, but are hypocritical for just the same. We want the rights to  follow out beliefs freely and openly, but not only do  we refuse it on many  christians we refuse to  give it to many  pagans. As long as Jimmy  doesn't judge my path, why  should I  judge his. We have to  lead by  example, to  show  the christians and muslims this is how it is done. If a group of pagans is to  be formed they must be able to be respectful of other paths.  And we as pagans need to  show adult  behavior and give them a chance to  show thier true intentions.

To  those that  want to  help  the pagan communities and do it with pure intentions, I  give you my deepest gratitude. You have a difficult job full of challenges.  The more I  discover  people standing up willing to face negative remarks and actions, the more proud I  am for being a pagan. We don't walk the same path, but we do  share some of the same views. If you are a pagan  look around at the pagan ezines, blogradios, and youtube videos and realize something  special. Your path is your path, and it is wonderful when it crosses the path of another pagan.  That is when we share thoughts, make friends, and make this world a better place.