People didn't dare oppose McCarthy, because of the fear of being labeled a Communist sympathizer. Hollywood was hit hard. If an actor or actress was resistant to the McCarthy witch hunts, they would be blacklisted, and they could get any jobs in Hollywood. SO I look at the people out there that demanded Collin Kaepernick to be fired because he did something that was Un-American. McCarthyism is alive and well.
If you refused to work with the hearings you could charged with contempt of court and thrown in jail. There was seldom any evidence, so your rights to fair trial were removed. I see people demanding that they throw away the keys on "Nazis" that haven't even went to trial. I have read far too many opinions that the marchers at Charlottesville should lose their rights as Americans. McCarthyism is alive and well.
Journalist and government officials had to take loyalty oaths and sign papers that they aren't and would never join the communist party. Online petitions are thrown around on every topic. Sign this we need 50,000 signatures to declare the KKK as a hate group. As I see it, those petitions have really no value, those are the modern loyalty tests. You have to sign the petition to show that you support your social group. McCarthyism is alive and well.
Freedom of Speech was limited during the red scare. Group were looking at everything seeing if any person was loyal enough to be allowed to work in various fields of employment. In judicial affairs, for example, support for free speech and other civil liberties eroded significantly. This trend was symbolized by the 1951 U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Dennis v. United States, which said that the free-speech rights of accused Communists could be restricted because their actions presented a clear and present danger to the government. Accused communists, so you could lose your rights to speak freely if someone accused you of being a communist. The far-left groups of Antifa and BLM wish to silence opposing views, their counter protests are aimed at no-platforming others. McCarthyism is alive and well.
One of the greatest journalists is Edward R Murrow. He was one of the only people to stand against McCarthyism. Murrow was accused of being a communist sympathizer. McCarthy took anything that could be communist and tried to claim that Murrow was a communist. Murrow told the world that just because he knew communists, that it doesn't make him a communist. Murrow had a friend that was communist and didn't try to convert Murrow, but respected Murrow for telling the truth during his reporting during the war. During the last few weeks, I have devoted much time to search for and tell the truth. I remembered the legal rights of the individual and stood my ground. For this action, I have been called a Nazi or a Nazi sympathizer. McCarthyism is alive and well.
The old adage is that people that don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it. That is very true, and it is repeating itself now. And the newer added part to that old saying is also coming true. There are those that do learn their history, and they have to suffer as they watch the idiots repeat that same bit of history.
The "truth" is a concept that is being placed up for attack by some, and ignored by many more. The truth is a goal to understand and further humanity. Truth is said to be all about perspective, I disagree , what is right and wrong is all about perspective, but the truth is factual and can't be twisted. When people tell you the truth, one must question and challenge what is being said. But once tested does it remain? If so, then it is the truth.
The truth is that I oppose McCarthyism, it violates what I hold dear. I oppose the far left and the far right ideals that include violence. Violence should be the last resort not the first response. People have the right of peaceful protest, not violent mob rules.
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