Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Pagan Roku Channel

     Recently I  have upgraded my streaming options with  Roku. A marvelous little device that  more than triples my viewing pleasure. I  discovered that  in Roku  they  have a "special interest" section. In this special section you can have custom made channels of any  theme that you wanted.  Well this section had 1298  channels, 99%  of them were Religious channels. I  went through the channels one by  one looking for something that  I  might like. 95%  of all  those religious channels were Christian. With  the majority of the civilized world being Christian, I  understood why  it would be that  way. I  found about 40  channels that  were Islamic in theme. I  found roughly ten channels for the Hindu  and Jewish  faith each.  I  found an Atheist channel, which  shocked the heck  out of me, and I  subscribed to it. Near the bottom I  even found Buddhist channel, I  added that  to  my  list. But  I  never found a single Pagan themed channel, and that  bothered me greatly.

     So I  did  some research  and I  learned that  anyone can create a Roku  channel. It is a free service to  create.  After all, the more channels that  Roku  can claim the better it does in promoting itself. I  thought that  I  could create a Roku  channel  along with  my youtube channel,  I  can use the URL's from YouTube as the links for the Roku  channel.  I  spent a couple days  dwelling on how to  handle this and the bigger picture. The Pagan community doesn't have a voice that  can be streamed across the US or the World.  I  decided to  figure out a plan to  build a Streaming network that  could  give the Pagan community at large a voice.

     I  really want this to  work, and so  I  decided that  I  was going to  need a lot of content and money to  back  this up.  I  hate this part of my  idea because there are so many  frauds out there. I  have been watching a lot of Roku streaming and most channels have roughly 10  categories for programming.  Such as the Comedy, Sci-fi, horror, classic TV, and so  forth. I  could sell 7 slots of the channel to  people that  do  many  YouTube videos that  have a strong pagan focus and following.  I  would want two  slots for myself, one for random Pagan videos, and the other for a Pagan teaching video  set that  I  am working on.  The remaining slot would be open for various YouTube Pagans that  create videos at  a slower pace or for important news affecting the Pagan communities.  The last  channel  could be used to  broadcast videos from Pagans that  are passed away but have a large following such as Scott Cunningham.

     How much money? I  don't know, honestly I  am still working on the requirements to  maintain and update the channel before I  give a price.  I  don't have a timeframe either,  but  it shouldn't take long to  set-up  the accounts with  Roku.  The price can be reduced by  adding commercials to  the channel.  It would go under Google AdSense.

     This brings up  many  topics that  have to  be covered. What  is allowed and what  isn't. As long as it has a Pagan theme and it isn't a long commercial for a person's witch shop,  I  think it should be allowed.  I  have seen too  many  YouTube videos where the person references her online store 3-4 times.  How long will the video be available? I  have to  see what  the storage limits are on  these channel services. My  favorite streaming channel  gives each category 200 options. If this holds true, until you submit your 201st video, all  other videos will  be available.

     But the Biggest concern that  I  have is a simple one. Would you watch a Roku  Pagan channel ? If one was created to  have popular content, remain fresh with  new content,  and give the community news, would you support it? Honesty is needed, if you wouldn't watch it, please tell me. No reason to  make this if nobody turned it on.

    How would I  get the money?  Well I  was thinking of a Kickstarter campaign. Thus people can donate what  they  want.  I  was thinking about how the rewards would work.  A small donation would get your name and a Link  to  you posted on a thanks video. Another level would get a video of your choice(as long as it was pagan themed) posted on that  community category  that  I  described.  The last level would be for purchasing of a category.  Like I  said the money part hasn't been figured out.  But lets say  that  I  set a level as any  donation over $300.00 would buy  a category on the Pagan channel.  And thus guaranteeing  you having a category on the Pagan Roku  Channel.

I  need opinions and criticisms.  I  have a lot to  work  out before I  can provide a more structured presentation.  But I  need to  know if this is a good or bad idea. Thanks for your time.


  1. Indeed I would watch a Pagan channel! Lifetime witch here, tired of all the damn christian channels and their nonsense. Ideas I have.

  2. I want to have Pagan channels to view! I found you by doing an online search for Pagan roku channels. Please yes!

  3. I was searching for a pagan and or wiccan channels when I found the link to this post so I would most definitely watch!

  4. I to was searching! I would definitely watch as well!
