Sunday, February 26, 2017

Emotional dilema

In the magical  world that  we live in we are  given standards that  we are to  follow.  If someone is a negative influence we are to  shun that  person.  We are to  give love and avoid any negative feelings. That  is a very  extreme point of view to  have to  live. We are given grounding and centering practices so  that  we  are calm when performing magick.  I  have been told that  one shouldn't enter a circle if they  are angry.

With  referencing the Star Wars there is a continuation with  this line of thinking. The Jedi  are told to  suppress their emotions and work for what  is right.  We have all heard the infamous statement made by  Yoda. “Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.” The Jedi  were extremist that  believed that  all  darkness should be avoided because even the smallest amount can corrupt you and turn you in a Sith. The Sith lord told Luke that  his hate made him powerful.  But there can't be a middle ground in Star Wars concepts. When Darth Vader was figuring out his role with  Luke. Luke told him that  he felt the conflict in him that  there is good inside of him.

Why  can't we harness a controlled balance with  the two  spectrums of emotions.   Just like an inverted Tarot card means something different  than an upright card. Anything and everything can be used for good or bad. Anger is not a bad thing. And just like casting magick it all depends on the intent of the emotion. Anger used to  defend that  is injured or in danger is a noble thing because it is used for a just cause.  Anger because someone is going to  do  better at a card game has poor intent and should be held in check.

We can do  this with  all  emotions and all  actions. Intent determines if the emotion is justified and needed.  Love, an emotion that  everyone says we should promote and cherish.  But here too  the intent is what  speaks volumes here. Why  do  you love this person? Is it solely because they  tempt you sexually? Do  they  have mutual feelings for you?  Is this person able to be committed to  you in a relationship? \

SO  balance has to  be maintained with emotions as well.  We can't  repress our emotions and live a healthy lifestyle. And there are times to  be angry in life, just like there will  be times to  be sad, happy, in love, and so forth.  Even jealousy can be used for positive use.  Why  we want something or to  be able to  do  something is  motivation to change the current situation.  My  friend  upgraded with  stereo in his truck., and I  want to  have a system similar to  his so  that  I  can enjoy  some of the same options that  he does.  My  mild jealousy motivates me to  buy and install a similar system in my  truck, and that  is good. Jealousy would be bad if I  decided to  belittle his work or damage his system since I  don't have anything similar to  it.

Emotions tell  use if something is important to  you. Many  years ago  there was a movie that  had a part to  explain this best.  This married couple have been together for many  years and they  were having issues, the wife decided to  have an affair and the husband found out.  He was having issues himself and in talking to  his wife he said " I  don't know if I  should get angry or not.  On One hand if don't care , I  can just walk away and it is over.  But on the other hand if this marriage and you ever meant anything to me, I  should be angry at  you. "  The wife responded with an unsure voice, "Well which is it going to  be?"  The husband looked at her after thinking for a minute or two and said ,"You  bitch!"  They  then put their arms around each other and decided to  fight for the marriage.  That  Anger  was needed to  show this guy  how much he actually loved his wife, and she needed him to  get angry to  know that  she was still important.

So I  say  that  "In Perfect Love"  part might need to  go  out the window for some situations. When working with darker intent magick  you can't be calm and completely rational. A spell to  fight back  against a wrong should not be done with  a smile on your face and love in your heart.  The Sugar coated wiccan mentality has to  be shed to  be in balance and harmony.  Look  at  the adult female bear, she is a very  emotional creature and represent the dual  aspects that  we need to  learn to  embrace.  A female bear alone can be aloof and be rather calm.   But A female bear with  her cubs is an animals with  both sides of the emotional  roller coaster that  you need to  stay away from.  That  bear  is the teacher and mother of her cubs. she watches them play  as they  good forage for food.  Anything gets between that  mother bear and her cubs and the calm mother turns to  a ravenous killing machine.  The bear is in balance with  nature and this is the lesson we have to  learn. There are times for the anger and times for love.  And with  wisdom, we have to  make sure that  the positive times out number the darker times.

For those that  think  the bear isn't a good example of healthy emotional balance.  Take a look  and songbirds,  small little birds that  search  constantly for food to  feed their chicks.  They take turns protecting and searching for food. We walk  by trees hearing the birds chirping away and think  pleasant thoughts.  But I  have seen the smallest  of songbirds take on birds twice their size or more.  While driving in the country, I have seen birds like mocking birds  fly at  and force hawks to  change  course. That  mockingbird is just protecting the nest .  And that  is well intention anger, that  is part of the survival of a species in nature. And when the danger is gone , the parent returns to  the nest and takes care of the chicks, and that  is love.

So  if you or someone you know is pressing people to  shun any  negative feelings and shoves love down everyone's throat, just remember that  it isn't happy.  We can't know Love without Hate to  compare it to. We  will  never understand peace, if we never have to  fight for it.  We never know how strong we are on the inside until we feel powerless in the world around us.  As James T. Kirk said in one of those Star Trek  movies ." I  need my pain!"  My  pain motivates me to  never feel it again and to  protect others from ever feeling it.  Our feelings are needed , embrace them they  are there for a reason.

Finally , I have to  talk about fear.  Fear is a primal emotion, it is what  keeps us alive and warns us of danger. Having fears doesn't make you weak.  Refusing to  face those fears makes you weak.  We all  have a fight or flight instinct,  but it is very  different from one person to  another. One person could be so  afraid of spiders that  they  must run away, and the next person just looks at a spider and continues walking by without a care.   Courage is the ability to  face and overcome your fears.  I  have a fear of hieghts, and it takes courage to  get on an airplane.  My  fear is almost gone and I  am stronger for it.  It didn't lead me to  the dark  side of the force.

SO  the real  lesson here is not suppressing emotions and trying to  live in a world of bright whites and sugars.  It is learning control and balance with  your emotions.. Knowing when the right time is for your emotions to  come out and be embraced.  We grow as a person when we learn when our emotions are present for all  the wrong reasons.  So  remember that  there is a correct time to  be angry or sad, and energy flows when these emotions are flowing so  use them  for good intent and live in balance.

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