Thursday, January 31, 2013

Removal of the zero-tolerence mentality

     When  you hear  that  a school or business is installing a zero-tolerance policy  over something, you think  that  they  are going to  crack  down on a certain problem. When I  was a kid, I  thought that  when the US government was establishing a zero-tolerance policy on  drugs, I  was thinking that it  was a great thing. But now I have experienced life more and been reading the news of stories about children and my  opinion has changed about zero-tolerance policies.

    Recently a little girl was talk  to  her friend about a 'bubble gun' at  school. The little girl was suspended from school because she was going to  shoot her friend with  a pink  plastic hello kitty bubble gun. The little girl  had to have a two  day mental  evaluation , of which  she was found to  be a typical little girl.  The gun comment was placed on her school record.  Her parents couldn't switch  schools because of the gun incident.

     I am stunned that  this girl was considered a threat to others because she talked about a bubble gun. She didn't even own one. This was purely a school employee hearing something and going to  the extreme. I  don't care if the country is still recovering mentally from the Sandy  Hook school shootings, it doesn't mean that any and all  gun talk should be taken seriously.  Thinking things through completely before acting upon a situation is always best.

     In this  zero-tolerance mentality, any  and all  possible violations of a law are given the same exact treatment.  So  under this concept the little girl is just as dangerous as the Sandy Hook  shooter.  Stop  and think  about that for a moment.  A little girl talks about taking her hello  kitty bubble gun and spraying her friend with it, and she is considered as dangerous as any  mass murderer.  Zero-tolerance was meant to  close some loopholes and help  enforce laws.  Zero-tolerance  was never meant to  stop  people from thinking.  Billy forgets his cap gun in his coat pocket from the weekend. Monday he discovers it at  school, by Monday  afternoon he is in police lock-up, the school is still in lock-down,  counselors were called to assure the students and teachers that  everything is alright.  The media get attention of the story and little Billy's life is over before it started.  Why  because zero-tolerance and zero-thinking turned a student into  a cold hearted killer.  The teacher couldn't access the situation and take Billy's cap  gun away and call  his parents.

     I  think  that  this mentality is starting to  affect  society,   people are losing their ability to  judge a situation.  Yes you have to  look  at  the full  picture. What is worse, calling a little girl a threat or allowing a killer into  the schools? I understand that, but what  about the price of freedom?   When you can't talk  openly or act freely with  your friends and peers because something might classify you as a threat. Could the company's zero-tolerance drug policy  result in your desk/locker getting searched because you have talked about legalizing marijuana.  Are the Schools going to have to  tell  the little boys that  they  can't play  cowboys and indians because it involves making gun gestures?

     What  makes each  and everyone of use unique is not just how we look, but  how we think as well.  A person's view of the world and the desires they have make them unique as well.  I  feel  that  this zero-tolerance mentality is oppressing some of the creative aspects of humanity.  We should have the freedom to  talk openly, and what  type of world are we living in when a little girl is threat like a killer because of her desire to  play with  a bubble gun.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Divided we stand , united we fall...

     Pagans like all  religious groups have troubles, there is nothing we can do  to  escape it.  In my experiences with  online groups, pagans are better off in small  groups.  When we get so  big  we fight and argue over the smallest things.  I have recently interacted with  a Celtic pagan group on facebook. Some of my posts were troublesome for some of the members. This  group's most active members are Celtic Recon,  people that  try to base their Celtic pagan beliefs on historically proven facts, with  as little modern interference as possible.  Because my views are more liberal  and open to many types of pagan, they were not welcomed warmly.
     What is bothering me greatly is the way  the handful of members treated the posts that I  made.  They  stated that  there were standards and that I  wasn't meeting their standards.  If your group is called  'Celtic Paganism" and the posts are relating to  Celtic paganism in general  how  could they  not be valid to  the group. I  tried to  have discussions with  the members of the group  and names I  used as references were laughed at.  Raymond Buckland and Isaac Bonewits were looked down on.  I learned from Scott Cunningham that  everyone is a teacher and that everyone had information to learn from.  So I  am starting to  see this group as too closed minded to  work  with and be a part of.
     So I  think  about how this reminds me of the Lutherans versus the Southern Baptists.  How two  groups that  share so much can be miles away at the same time. They are both christian denominations, they  both use a version of the Catholic bible,  They  both talk about accepting jesus  as their savior. But because of a different view points here and there, the two  groups have members that  speak  badly of the other. There  are families divided because one member is of a different christian denomination.
     I  then look  at all  the pagan online groups that I  have been a member of and I  see the same thing happening.  Paganism  like Christianity is a blanket term  for a collection  of similar groups that  have a similar theme and structure. A handful of pagans can get together and build a wonderful group. Once the group gets big enough, egos and differences of opinions butt heads and some cracks appear and the foundation starts to  fall apart.
     So  you  don't like wiccans, you think  they  are a joke.  That  was the opinion of one member of this group.  Wiccans do  share many  traditions that  have Celtic roots. How can you laugh  and abuse  people that  are honoring the same people you do in a different but similar manner? That is like a Methodist laughing at catholics  when they  pray.  We are supposed to  gain strength through our differences. We are supposed to  live with  our fellow man to make this world a better place.  And yet the attitudes of this group  shows a complete lack of consideration for any pagan outside of their mental  set.
     Pagans like to  say  that  we are better than that,  several love to  explain that  pagans should take the high road.  We are human just like the christians and the muslims are, we will have personality clashes and ego  trips.  But that  doesn't mean that  we can't try harder, open our minds to a new way of thinking.   If you want to  be part of a larger community you have to  be part of the community and work with  those that  differ in the community.  So  what if you are a wiccan,  if you walk  a Celtic path like me in many  ways, there are grounds for us to  share information and be stronger together.
     If you are going to  be reclusive in your pagan path  and only share with  those that  think  just like you, you are just like those gated urban developments.  You  only become part of a community when it fits your needs. Outside of the gate, nobody really knows you and wants to  be  a part of your group. I  seen people in this group act as if they  were superior to  many others.  They  said what  others should be reading and what  others should know. These are the elitist Celtic pagans of facebook. 
     I posted a Pagan book list from my group onto  this other group.  and I  was told outright that it  was a 'crappy list', but  the person that posted that  comment stated she couldn't do much  better. My  book list was too wiccan.  My  pagan group is open to all  pagans and no  pagan path is alienated.  A list of books that  contains information about the Celts in some form was rejected in a "Celtic Paganism" group .   A group of Celtic pagan elitists passing judgement on something that  was meant for the whole group.  Over 900 members to  this group  and 5 say that it is not worthy  to  be in the group.
     I  hope for the day  when this sort of thing stops.  We can and should have differences of opinion on many  topics in life, but  who are we to  judge what is worthy  for everyone else. It is your life, live by  your own standard of ethics, but never impose them on others.   Don't be an elitist over other pagans,  try understanding  their way of thinking and remember how much  you dislike people  holding rules over yourself.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

It is about the Journey...

     As I  continue my  spiritual  path  to  a better me, I  have to  remind myself that it is the journey  that makes all  the difference. We learn from experiences and seeing new concepts or things in the world.  I  have been so  happy building my  pagan 101 video  series.  I  am actually getting more views for my videos.  The wheels are turning and picking up  speed. I have even picked-up  a couple of subscribers since I  started this project.  I  am happy, and the bonus is that I  am remembering and learning things that I  need to know. I  am looking at my  spiritual mirror and liking what I  see.

     There is a little uproar in the pagan community about a movie that is being released. Hansel and Gretel, Witch  Hunters. I  was going to  just walk away from the movie, but I  have been seeing the commercial for it and it bothers me.  The quote that  bothers me is about how not all  witches are bad, but they  are going to  kill  them all.  This movie is promoting the wrong way  to  think in so many  ways. They  are talking about killing people, murder is wrong unless it is to  defend yourself and/or others that can't defend themselves. Blind judgements toward a class of people. A person could be a good person, but because they are a part of a certain class of people, they must die.  I  was spending the day  trying to  think about  how I would counter this movie.  What if I  was to  write a screenplay  for a man that  was molested by  catholic ministers as a kid, and then at some point in his life, decides that  they  all must die. Not all ministers molested little boys,  so  to  kill all  would be wrong. I  know that  the christian community would be forming mobs to protest such a movie from being made. It is just a movie though, and I  hope that  the mentality of this movie fades away quickly.

     I  read today  about a fellow pagan preparing for a massive change in how she presents herself. I will  not state her name out of respect.  This pagan has used her witch name for many  years and has become well established in the pagan community. She also mentioned that  her fame has come at a price. So  she is going to  stop using her witch name and start using her real name.  I  must give her credit for such a bold move.  I wish  her the best of luck in this transition.  This has made me started to  think about me using my  witch name compared to my real name.  I have enjoyed the degree of separation, and it is needed because I  am a divorced father.  I know that there would come a time that I  might have to  use both together.  Until  them I  am very happy being "Blue". 

     I  have splurged on myself in silly little matters this week. The local  Dollar General is selling Christmas stuff for 25 cents each, no matter what  the item is. So I have been buying metal tins and a few other things that  could be used for pagan purposes. Some of the tins will  be used as storage tins for nails and screws in the basement.  I have been wanting to  build something real bad as of late. I have the urge to use  my hand tools for something.  I just haven't figured out what I  want to make.

     I am feeling very  proud of myself at work, but there is a little shame as well.  I have a reputation of being a mean person.  I  am stubborn and I like to  get the job required done right and as fast as possible.  When things are going good, I  will laugh  and joke.  But when things go wrong, I  am complaining and rather rude with everyone that is not doing what  they  need to do.  I have a co-worker that  works with me in the cooler,  and he is a rather cranky person.  The level of profanity and bad attitude is worse than mine.  Reflecting back on the person that I used to  be, I  hope I  was never that  bad.  I  told myself that I  owed several people and apology if I  ever was that  bad.

     Every  day is a step on your spiritual path.  We don't go  from Point A to  Point B overnight.  with  every step  we discover new things upon the horizon and down by  our feet when we take the time to look  down and around ourselves.  The road less traveled is the journey of discovery of who we are as individuals and the truth of the world around us.  Don't run when you can walk,  don't stare at the horizon when something amazing is right beside you.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Pagan Nerd Warrior...

     With the New year now here, we have all  did  our reflections into  the past, present and future. We have all  decided on some level to better ourselves in some matter. I  have reflected in the past year and while there are somethings that I  didn't accomplish, I  am very happy with  who I am at the moment.  I  tried to  find the words that  best describe who or what I  am.  And the Best that  I  could assemble is 'Pagan Nerd Hero".   I  am without a doubt a very  dedicated pagan that has placed a lot of  time , money, effort into my way of life.  I  think  everyday of pagan concepts and what  projects to work on.  When I  go  to  a local  consignment shop, I  am always asking myself  what here has a pagan flare to it.  The Nerd is easy to tell  you about, I  go to  the book store and I  get reference books along with my  pagan books. One of my  latest books is "The New York Public Library Desk  Reference."   Warrior is the last  word that  describes me. I have decided long ago  that I  will  stand for  what  I  believe in. I will not  let friends get in the way  of what is right. I  sign petitions,  print and voice my opinions anywhere I  feel it is needed.
      My  journey in being a Diamond in the rough has been achieved.  I am not  the nicest person, I lack  some of the basic social  skills that  others dwell on. But I am valuable, I  work hard on everything that is important to  me. I  extend my  hand to  help others that  need it.  My knowledge in many  topics is growing, I  have so much  to learn it is scary.  I  don't want to  be one of those polished refined people, because they  are expected and required to work  on such  a higher level and with such  poise.  When you are still  a little rough you can handle the difficult matters with  a rougher plan.  I  am more able to think outside of the box, because I have the ability to react more openly and without restraint.

    Tomorrow I have a busy day planned, I  will  be creating many more videos for my  YouTube  Paganism 101 series. I made a decision to be more of a teacher, I spent a day  making 11-23 lessons ,  I  was being general in topic, only explaining the basics of the various topics.  A three minute video is not what I  want to  use to  teach  people. So I  am scraping those videos and redoing many  of them tomorrow.  I  am wanting to  help  those that  are just starting out  understand the basics and help  them be better pagans. 

     I  am in planning mode for a mini  pagan garden.  The plan is to find the large wooden  barrels that people use for planting and create a mini garden out of it.  I  am going to  create a stone cairn out of some flat  rocks from Springbrook.  I  am  also  going to  find small  figures and pebbles to make a mini meditation garden that I  can Astral  travel to. Then in the rest of the garden I  am going to  plant some herbs.  Because I  have to  be creative, I  am also  designing glass flowers for the back  yard.  I have a collection of blue and green wine and vodka bottles.  I  am going to  connect the old fashioned glass power line  bases to  the bottles and give them the look of glass flowers.

     I am very  glad that  the holidays are over, that means that  the stress levels for not just myself but for most of society are down.  Things can go back to  a normal rhythm and life will  be even more wonderful.  Yes I a can look in the mirror and be happy with  who I am.  Some things I  didn't finish last year, so I  must push myself harder.  I  can do it, I  will be stronger and better in 2013. 

    My advice for you is simple. Don't dwell in the past, but  don't forget it either.  You  can be anything you wish to be.  If you can picture yourself  being  such a person, then do it.  Sometimes the small  little things are the start we need to  better grander things.  We set our own limitations,  tear down those hurdles and be the best you that  you can be.