Saturday, October 6, 2012

Creating a code of Ethics

     In my last  blog I  talked about choosing ethics over friends and vice versa.  I  realized that some of us don't have an established set of ethics and some probably don't have anything except the very simplest figured out.   We need a code of ethics for ourselves to  be better people.  Now I  am not suggesting a code of ethics that  fits all people, that would be impossible. I  am talking about creating a code of ethics that  is for you, and only you.

     First step is deciding what  type of person you are now and the person you want to  be. I  am a person at a crossroads, I  am trying to  be a valued part of the pagan community.  I  am a currently a person that was angrier and stubborn as a bull,  but is now more open and understanding to others.  I have learned a great deal  about  paganism and I  have so much more to learn.  But a  code of ethics is something that  just doesn't pertain to paganism, it is about our whole lives.  I  am an honest person, I  voice my  opinion,  I  have worked with  the same company for 20 years. I  am a diovorced father of two.  there are many  little things and big things that  makes us who  we are.   I  would like to  be an Author,  Spiritual  advisor, politically active, smarter, trusted, and happy.

     Second step is figuring out who  has inspired you or affected you in a positive manner.  Write a list of these people and why  they  affected you.  Please use historically correct people if  you can.  If you workj  with  other people and discuss matters like I  am doing here,  some people will  find it hard to  take you serious if you list an anime character is a  ethical source.  Yes I  have grown inspiration from fictional  characters, but I  will seperate my views of fantasy  and history.  There are people that  have  molded us into  the people we are today.  Keeping them alive in our thoughts and writings is a great way  to  honor them.

    So  grab a piece of paper and start writing down things that  are important ethics to  have and go into  detail. Also  please write  them in a positive manner. These will  become your commandments,  and when you violate them , you are sinning to  yourself.  I know that  many will  disagree with  that, but  building your own ethics and following them is what  developes ourselves into  better people.

1. I  shall  be honest
2. I  shall  stand for what  I  believe in.  (  Winston Churchill said " You  have enemies, good. That means you stood up  for something sometime in you life.")
3. I  will  voice my  opinion. (Winston Churchill taught me the power of a mouse in one of his speeches."
4.  I  will  do  the right thing.
5. I  will  show respect for other people's beliefs. But  tolerence can only be mutual.
6. I  will  follow the laws of the land.
7.  I will always  be me.

     So  there are my  first seven.  There are many  more, some major and some minor. These mean alot to  me. I  shall be honest, because if I can't be honest with others, why  should they  be honest with me.  I  will stand up  for  what I  believe in, too many  stand aside and let the wrongs occur unchecked. Someone has to  say no.  Voicing my opinion, some of  you know I  am very  good at that,  How can anyone know how you feel if you don't open your mouth.  Doing the right thing, is very  simple, if you know it  to be right , just do it then.  

     Number 5 is  a harder one to  explain.  I  have my  beliefs and everyone else has their own views.  I  might not like or understand  some other religious belief,  but I  will  respect that person's right to follow his/her heart.  I  will take what I  know of other religions at try to understand  how the other person feels.  As long as the other person doesn't  attack my beliefs I  will  not attack other person's beliefs.  Only when both people respect the other's view can tolerence be established. And with  tolerence  there can come co-existence.

    Number 6 is a touchy one as well.  I  will  follow the laws of the land. And that means ALL laws. There will  be no exceptions to  this.  That means I  will  not speed and I  will wear my  seatbelt.  I  will  not try to  justify an excuse into  breaking a law.  Some people  say  that  it is alright to  smoke pot, it is a harmless drug.  But  with my  stance, it is still illegal  for a reason, I  will  follow the laws.

      Wintston Churchill  motivated me alot.  The quote from above  also  has a different message in it.  You  can't always be everyone's friend.  In many  groups that I  belonged to,  I  am told that  everone should just get along.  Each  person is unique, and so  we all have different views on various topics. Sometimes  this differences will  cause a conflict. That is a part of life.  To  get along with everyone like  some people think, would require us to be silent sometimes and to  give up a part of who  we are.  Churchill  was strongly opposed to  appeasement before World War 2.   And that is what  we are asked to  do  when we ask asked to 'just get along'.  It is our differences that make us who  we are and if we can work  through them it makes us as a whole stronger. So  I  will  be me.

     I  talked about breaking our personnal  commandments. When we do  this the punishment is simple, you have to  look  at yourself in the mirror and admit you screwed up.  If you know you are following your personal commandments you will  be able to  look in the mirror with  pride.

    Your person commandments can be  usede to improve yourself. I have one about reading at least 100 pages a week.  This is about discovering yourself  and bettering yourself. Only when you know yourself and what  you want in life can you move forward.

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