Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Darker side of Wicca, Part 2

     I have to  give credit  where credit is due, and shame where shame is due. First off there are good wiccans out there.  People that have been part of a coven  and learned a tradition and have a great deal of structure into  there belief system.  I  didn't say  that  in part one, and I  should have.

     Part two is about politics in paganism.  How paganism is not a group of happy everybody gets along with  everyone else.   Pagans generally have many  different views that reflect the many  different branches of paganism. And it is these different views can cause a tremendous amount of anguish in a group of people, Online or in Real life interactions.

     So Part one was posted in the group in question. Many  people changed there views about me. Some people apologized for their actions and we moved on.  I  watched for a few days from the sidelines as events unfolded, and then I  was allowed back into  the group.  One person struck me as a massive drama queen.  One of the Admins posted that  they  were called Nazis.  In my previous blog I  made a reference to how people like me  were treated compares to how Hitler treated the Jews. I  even used the word totalaristic, but I  never used the word Nazi.  This person was playing victim. Though she was one of the people seeking to  delete posts and remove people, the moment someone  commented about her actions in a manner she didn't like, she tried to make everyone believe that  she was unjustly attacked. The only person that  called her or any of the other admins Nazis, was herself. Shortly after I  returned this person made a post." Post deleted 3.2.1" . Because she knew that I  was posting on the group. I  saw this post and asked her why she felt the need to make a post, and she refused to  comment.  Miss Atwell can't play victim if she is caught causing troubles.

     The group leader had numerous times told people that they  need to  take there negative ways out of the group. Mrs. Muck posted many  times that  she thinks there is too much hostility and that people need to  take it  outside of the group. Yet there was a young man that  decided to  take any outside issue and vent about it in the group. He was complaining about someone "playing Pagan".  In a post he later said that  the person he was complaining about was not in the group, and that  he was just venting.  Mrs Muck posted on that  very thread, but never told him to  keep his outside troubles outside of the group. I  guess that  was one of those selective rule enforcements.

     Upon my return  to  this  group  I  made a comment about  how the admins for the group were set-up. Would you believe that  they  had someone that  was actually an online store account as an admin.  So I  made a comment about maybe adding some of the ones that  were on the other side of the fence as admins to  help  get things balanced.  It wouldn't change  how people acted, but then someone wouldn't have to  worry so much  about being alienated.  This idea resulted into  a messed-up election process. Two polls were created, the first one I  had people supporting me, I  guess that  didn't sit well  with the admins and they deleted the first poll and created a second one under a different person's account. They  were adding names, removing names. and turned it into  a circus. The dumbest part I  see was the current admins added there names to  the list of people. This was about adding  different people and they  turned it into  a  way  to  see who likes them and who  doesn't.  Because with  the wonders of facebook  you can see who  voted for who.  I  made a comment about giving everyone a week  to  vote on who  they  wanted, the current admins gave it just a couple days.  talking about controlling a vote. And the final straw for the supposed elections was so  corrupt, I  felt that  the republicans had taken over the pagan group. Mrs. Muck  disclosed after the "election" that one of the 2 people SHE promoted to admin was her husband. After the fact, and she had the nerve to  ask if anyone had any  problems with it... with  people knowing that  at least 2 people were banned from the group on the same day. It is like having the Republicans controlling the election and saying that  Obama has a fair chance of winning.

     So I  was one of the people banned from the group.  But I was able to  see the posts still  and watched as the darkness swept across this group.  The two new admins made posts stating that  they  were going to  remove the negativity from the group, deleting negative posts and the people  that  posted them. Wow complete and total censorship has been installed. But you would have to  hope that  these new anti-negativity rules would be enforced on everyone equally. But alas they aren't.  I  seen new admin Ryan have a conversation with  people calling me a "hatemonger" . I never called people a name like that in any  form, I  was viewed as negative because I  would disagree with  some of the posts people made. Now the last  time I  checked Hatemonger was a negative insult.  Did Ryan do  anything to stop such  posts? No he allowed them to continue.  I  watched a long thread in which  a different member called a person  several  negative names, 3 of the 4 admins were active in this long thread, and they did NOTHING.  So  these admins are not against negativity, they are only against select people that  do it.  One thing that  I  remind myself is this fact. "The battle between right and wrong is lost the moment that  you allow your friends to  do  something that  you wouldn't allow your enemy to  do."  Selective  rule enforcement is corruption. How can they  claim to  be positive and just people when they  act in such a corrupt manner.

     Leaders need to  lead, they  need to  follow a set line of rules. In parenting you have to  be consistent when disciplining the child or they  will  not learn. You  can't say  one day  that it is all right, then the next spank  the child for the same exact situation. You  can't make two  sets of rules for two  children, that  will  cause nothing more that  hate and fighting.  Honor and integrity are needed if you want to  be someone people can look up to.  There are times we have to  make the not so  nice decision.  And this transfers to many of these eclectic wiccans,  They  are lacking structure and consistency with their beliefs.  They  want to be surrounded  by  love and light, they  will  shun darkness, and anyone that  doesn't  will face all  the darkness that  they  hide beneath  their supposed good nature.


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