Thursday, April 27, 2017

Required to be a witch....

There is this mentality that  anyone can be a witch, and that  is far from true. A witch  is a profession or a set of job skills.  There are tasks that  people are just not any good at. Not everybody can be anything.  So not everyone can be a witch.  There are mental characteristics that  you need to  be a witch and many  people don't have those characteristics.  This modern day  everyone is a winner mentality is counter productive to  being a witch.  Just like you can do  whatever you want in your Pagan path is utter bullcrap.  Not everyone can be a witch, that  needs to  be realized first and foremost.  Life is full  of difficulty and so is witchcraft. Paganism is like a rose it has beauty but it also  has thorns. There is this little grey area that  causes some troubles for many.  Wicca might mean witch  in old English,  we no longer speak old English.  So  Wicca  is just a proper name for one of many  Pagan denominations.  Just because you follow Wicca doesn't make you a witch,  it only makes you to  be a Wiccan.

Being a witch  requires you to have a great deal of inner strength to  handle all of life's challenges and ordeals.  Being shallow and unable to  handle a different point of view is a sign of weakness.  I  commented on a few YouTube videos that  a couple ladies made.  They  didn't like my opposing comments because it challenged their views.  How did they  handle the situation? The disabled the comments on the videos.  One video  told people to  make comments, but she disabled all comments after I  questioned her qualifications.  We gain strength through adversity,  but instead of responding to  my  comments they  took  the easy  way out and disabled comments.  This is called "Non-platforming" remove the ability of others that  think  differently than you to  express themselves.  This is an attack of Freedom of speech. Now witches and pagans love our freedoms,  so it is a hypocritical move.  And when you act in opposition in how you feel it takes away  from  who  you are as a person.

The ability to  see all  sides of a topic are vital in magic  and life.  We must be able to  view each  situation and goal from different perspectives to  make sure everything is well thought out and our intent is correct.  Weakness in character is also  about taking that  adversity and  handling it with  mature actions and understanding.  On wonderful facebook, I  believe that  if a topic is open to  discuss ,  I  should discuss it openly and honestly.  Some people take any  and all  opposing views as an attack. If I  post a well worded comment without any  insults or threats,  you should be able to  respond in kind.  Far too many  of these self-declared witches  make claims that  they  are being harassed or trolled because someone didn't agree with  them.  If you are too  thin skinned to  handle an opposing view, you are too  thin skinned to handle magic. Think  about this, you are willing to  post to  the public your views on a subject, someone decided to  talk  about their point of view and you act as if they  attacked you.  If you are making claims to the public but can't handle the concept of someone disagreeing with  you, you are too  weak to  do  magick. Take the Goddess Cerridwen,  she is known for being an in your face demanding goddess. She is powerful and very wise.  If you can't handle someone disagreeing with  you, how in the heck  are you going to  handle a goddess that  is way  more demanding.

Ethics are important to  being a witch, a pagan , or just a person. You  have to  have a personal  code that  you live by.  You  must develop these codes of laws  for yourself and the people in your life then  uphold them.   You  can't demand that  nobody will silence you, but  you will  demand only those that  agree with  you can speak out.  If you want freedom to  speak,  you must be willing to  give it and defend it for others.  The only time that  you can stop defending others right to  speak is if they  try to  take your rights to  speak  away  from you.   If something is wrong to  do, then it is wrong for all  people to  do it.  There can't be exceptions to  the rules.  We have people that  declare that  they  have this code of ethics, but when it comes to  friends or family, they  never try to  enforce it.  Every time you allow someone you know to  do  something that  is declared wrong by  you, you are taking away  from yourself. You  are showing weakness.

Discipline is a major factor in being a witch,  a pagan, or a good person.  How can anyone really trust you if you can't develop the discipline to  invoke trust.  That  same discipline will  determine your ability to  focus your energies when performing spellwork.  Being a witch or a pagan is a personal path that  only you can walk. If you can't walk  the path as you claim to  follow or refuse to  follow,  then you can't walk  the path on being a witch  or a pagan.  It doesn't matter if you have 4 friends or 4,000 friends, if you can't be true to  them or yourself you will fail in being a witch. Eclectic Wicca has told you that  you can add anything to  your path, well  you got lied to.  Everything in life has limitations. Some things don't fit into  an earth based religion that  honors the changes in life.  It is like a recipe, you can make a few substitutions to  a recipe, but you have to  remain true to  the recipe as best as you can or you will  end up with something different.

Doing it the easy way...  That  is one of the biggest issues that  I  have with  eclectic Wicca.  So many  people want to  do it the easy way. If something is worth doing it  is worth  doing right.  There are challenges that  we are meant to  face to  gain strength and test our abilities.  We can't just cherry pick what  we want to  know and ignore the rest.  Being a witch demand a level of commitment. Just like many  forms of Paganism require a initiation ceremony, many  different forms of witchery require an initiation.  Many  schools in Paganism and witchcraft  use a year and a day to  measure your required duration in advancement.  You  can't just ignore days 76-81.  So it is time to  show growth and going the tougher route and seeing what  needs to  be seen.

Education is important in life. You  can not go  around living a life of being out of the loop.  Do  you want people to  respect you for your good qualities or laugh  at you for your bad?  Recently I  have seen many  YouTube videos were people are taking that  easy route and giving poor information to  everyone.  I  am not perfect, but I  try to  research  a topic before I  post about it.  One guy  was talking about his magical  crystals.  Not every polished stone is a crystal.   Crystals have a specific structure that  repeats throughout the object. That  is why  quartz is a crystal , you can easily see the crystal  structure.  If you are refusing to  educate and question what  you read, you will  never have the mental  strength to  perform magick.  Magick  can be very demanding in its structure.  Without clear concise meaning and intent, you spellwork  can and more than likely fail.  I  was told of the lady  that  thought she needed plastic surgery to  look  prettier,  she performed a rushed ritual trying to  get her plastic surgery.  She  was in a car wreck  and got burns on her face, she got her plastic surgery.

There is being a witch. you are capable of doing great acts of good or evil. It just depends on what  your intent is. Stop  with  the white and black  magick whining.  There are times where you have to  get a little dirty to  do  the right thing.  Harming none is important to  you, cool, but are you going to  let that  rule your life.  Harming none and doing the right thing are to  different things.  There are times were you have to  pick  up  the sword and defend those that  can't defend themselves.  Because it is the right thing to  do.  Harm none means you run away and let those that  can't defend themselves suffer.  Life is not always beautiful, life can be so unkind to  you and others. and unless you are willing to  life in harmony  and balance with  those difficult moments, you are not living in the world around you able to  harness the energies of the world around you.

Asking for  help is a part of life, there are times where we need a helping hand.  Some people can be so  stubborn and refuse to  accept help  when they really need it.  However the opposite is true as well. So  many  people are asking for this healing energy or a spell  to  do  blah  blah  blah.  If you can't do it yourself, shut-up  and change it.  This weak minded crap  has to  end.  For magic to  work  some simple things are required  such  as a name, or a picture of the person.  We have to  focus and shape  the energy. Telling me to  send healing energy to  your third cousin's best friends daughter who  has a cold is stupid.  There is no  connection for  others to  work  with. There is no  name, picture, or location to  work  with.  But I  see this stupid act done multiple times a day.  If you ask for yourself, then we can  picture the person,  know the name and location.   People that  claim to  be witches don't stop  and think  on how spellwork  is performed.

So  as I  said, not everyone can be a witch.  You  have to  have an inner fire and a strong mind to  develop the abilities and understandings to  be a witch.  It isn't easy,  there will  be times where it is boring learning about the structure or purpose of certain procedures. But they  are there to  protect you or others.  Such  as washing your hands before you cook,  sounds  simple and boring, but it has to  be explained to  many  people everyday.  So are the steps in casting a circle.   You  can't skip  the boring and not fun parts. You  can't  do  and say the easy things and expect people to  respect you  or to better yourself.

As Robert Frost stated.  'I  choose the road less traveled and it has made all  the difference.' If you can't handle the rough road, you can't handle being a witch.