Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Seeking Pagan spirituality as a community.

It is my nature to  want some kinship in my  spiritual path. Not like minded copies of my own beliefs.  I  seek  conversations and points of view to  ponder on. People to  share activities with  that  are level headed in their thoughts. I  am unique , just like everyone else. Unique in looks, personality, history, and demeanor.  There is only one me and only one you.

The issue  here is that  Pagans are so  guarded in our private path  that  we keep  people at  arms length. So  many  are in a constant state of 'fight or flight" mentality. Sharing personal  paths is an endeavor to  walk  on eggshells . Any  difference of opinions must be internalized so  that  no  slight offense  ever occurs.

We value our individuality so much that  we are willing to  throw friendship away  for the smallest digress. We build these small  cliques of  spiritual  friends  to  maintain a feel of control.  making sure that  nobody else can enter and shift the focus in anyway.  We tend to  be solitary  practitioners just so  that  nobody can tell us to  do  something different. We are so  scared of being outed or ridiculed in our hometowns and work, that  we could work  with  a fellow pagan, and never know it. Cities both small  and large with  unknown pagan populations  refusing to  reach  out for others.

How can we change this? We need to  grow levels of acceptance for Pagans internally and externally. Internally is the harder of the two. Because nothing will  effect the external  until  we change what  is on the inside of each  and every Pagan. So  we have to  stop  being so  damn guarded and be able to  welcome those that  are different spiritually in our lives. It is sad that  most pagans are hypocrites in this manner.  They  can adopt and adapt their beliefs to  fit with  other Christians  in this Christian dominated society. Such  as celebrating Halloween instead of Samhain.  But these same Pagans won't budge for a fellow Pagan with  a different point of view.  Most will  runaway and hide if a Christian calls them satan worshippers,  but they  draw a line in the sand if a fellow Pagan offers a conflicting aspect of belief.

Where is the Pagan leadership to  help  with  this change? Nowhere and everywhere, we have Pagans with  limited leadership roles for small groups, but lack the ability to  close these gaps. SO  we need the old Pagan leadership to increase their efforts or get out of the way so  that  others can try.  But I  already  know the result if  anyone would try to  unite the various Pagan communities. They  will  be attacked and insulted for their actions.  Because Pagans will  not budge for other pagans that  don't follow their own beliefs exactly.  Pagans are blocking Pagan unity.  Let that sink in for a bit.

Why  would they do this? Well it is quite simple. There is a rebellion against any  dogma and anyone telling them how to  be a pagan.  If you look  at  the Wiccan rede, you will see a dividing point in Paganism. Some people say  that  it is only for the wiccans,  then there are wiccans that  try to  push it on all of Paganism. A challenge is to  write a document that  can create a bond between pagan groups, something that  can unify and be respectful to  all  Pagan groups.

I  have seen Pagans unify under a single banner on short lived occasions. They  need a massive push  to  cause this solidarity.  That  is the problem as well.  I  have seen Pagans and Pagan magazines  unite when a small  group  of people tried to  rewrite the "13 Principles of Wiccan belief".  Pagans worked hand in hand to  figure out that  what's and whys. But as soon as the threat was gone they  disbanded again.  The most recent event was the "witches around the world binding Donald Trump" event.  Sadly this last  event reflects how badly we need to  grow closer and of new leadership.  Isolated pockets of witches from across the world, mostly in the US, worked out of sync to  face a "threat" from Donald Trump.  There was infighting in the Pagan communities in the how's and whys people should do it.  In the end it was chaos and side A was mad at side B.

We have to  look  beyond our small  groups and covens and build a better Pagan community for the betterment of all  pagans.  We have divided and conquered ourselves into  this position. We must heal  our wounds and become stronger. In Christianity they have Baptists, Lutherans,  Methodists, and so many  more denominations. But they  can rally together as a Christian community quickly. Something that  we can't do.  That  has to  change for our beloved communities to  be closer and stronger.

We don't need a church  and a hierarchy. Churches are just buildings, any  place that  we feel  secure in would work.  We don't want a hierarchy to  tell us how to  walk  our path. We need people to  make sure that  we can walk  our path.  We need people that  can move beyond the spirituality and religious aspects and look  at  the community as a whole.  Instead of being priests and priestesses, they  would be administrators. Knowing that  only when the whole Pagan community is healthy that any  portion can be health.

So  what  is missing is the bond between Pagans. A spirituality  of kinship and respect. So  we have to  find all aspects that  we share to  build a mutual  spiritual document. Thus we have to  define and set a couple very general limitations on Paganism. Even the 13 principles of belief had very  vague limitations.  Pagans is Latin for Country Dweller.  It is a reference to the people that  worked the with  the earth and monitored the solar cycles.  It was a word to insult the farmers from the city living Christians.  I  want to  throw away  the old Christian dictionary definition of Paganism: "Any  belief that  is not of the Abrahamic beliefs".  There are many religions that  are stand alone beliefs and should be treated in this manner out of respect.  Now I  define Paganism as this: " Any  earth based  belief systems that  predate the Abrahamic beliefs and originate in the European and Mediterranean Sea. Thus leaving Hinduism, Buddhism, Native American beliefs and so many as stand alone religions.  Again , I  do  that  out of respect to  these religions.

Thus Paganism is an Earth/Sun based religious group.  We should write  a document  that  reflects these points, and with  it  create bonds to  unite not separate Pagans. Last  night I  written a brief  open ended poem  that  reflects that  goal. Just to  give an idea that  might work.

Our home is the Earth
it protects and it provides
Full of life and wonders
An Amazing beauty that  we can't deny.

In the Sky  is the Sun,
The provider of heat and light.
Showing us what  beauty we have
All we must do is open our eyes.

As the Earth does its dance
Life on the planet changes
Bound by  the cycles of life.
We honor them as they  change.

We live with  harmony in life
Taking only what  we need to live
Showing respect of all life.
We are one with  the world.

We go  by  many names and labels
Each sees the world uniquely inside.
We are Pagans, Heathens, Wiccans, and more
We are many  things, but just one people.

The next step is to  build  that  bigger Pagan community that  many  dream about.  But that  is only a dream if we can't transcend our differences. So I  shall  start with  myself.  I  am a solitary  Pagan, I know many  pagans online but few in close at hand.  I  shall  respect you, your beliefs, and our differences, please do  the same for me.  I  shall  not ask you about your beliefs to  criticize you.  I  will  ask  to  learn and understand you better.  I  may  place a label on you, but it isn't to  divide us but  to  understand you as a whole person.  Give me a chance to  see the world through your eyes.

Our Pagan communities are fractured and fragile.  So many  people demand 100% loyalty and acceptance. The slightest variant from this absolutism is met with horrific hatred and malice. A question or a different point of view is treated as an attack and being trolled.  An honest question by  someone being sincere can result in ridicule  by  many.  Pagans seem to  distrust or resent the outside world full of views that  don't conform to  their specific ideals.  And this will  be hard to  fix until we learn to  be better people.  How Can we be a spiritual  group when we are a house divided upon itself. How can we know of our amazing spiritual energy, when we can't open our eyes and hearts to  our fellow Pagan.

Please share this blog with  others and leave any  and all  comments below.

Friday, March 17, 2017

Pagan Spiritual Warfare. Be a Spiritual Warrior.

As I continue my focus on the Pagan community and what  I  feel is missing. I  want to  mention Spiritual Warriors,  how we have so  few and there is no organization. Look  at  the attempt to  bind Donald trump, what  resulted was a maelstrom of chaos and bickering. When I  see Christians and Muslims call for spiritual warriors they  have something to  fall  back on and thousands are able to  rally around a single cause.

Frist off we have to  define and know what  a spiritual warrior is. And according to  Wikipedia the definition is this:The term spiritual warrior is used in Buddhism for one who combats the universal enemy: self-ignorance (avidya), the ultimate source of suffering according to Buddhist philosophy. A heroic being with a brave mind and ethical impulse."  SO  a Spiritual  warrior go  around and teaches others about many  thing , not just religion.  I  am rather fond of that concept, and I  guess I  do  spiritual  warfare on that  level with  my  blog and videos.

I  am now going to  refer to  to  express some points.  In my last  blog post I  talked about adding a warrior spirit to  your path in some aspect. That   being able to  defend yourself is a part of survival.  They had a great statement on the difference of a warrior and a soldier.  I  am a warrior, not a soldier.      There is a difference between a warrior and a soldier. A soldier is trained to follow orders, to respect authority, and to subjugate their individual thinking process and will to the command hierarchy. A warrior, in contrast, is more autonomous and independent. A warrior engages in battle out of personal choice rather than because of obedience to orders. A warrior is capable of making moral judgments and acting accordingly. A warrior is flexible and adaptable; able to act independently as well as be a team player. A warrior takes responsibility for his or her choices and actions. A warrior is a person of compassion who understands pain and the consequences of action. A warrior understands the horror of war and does not seek it. A warrior understands that glory is only for fools who bask in their own illusions. A warrior, however, when engaged in a righteous cause, fights with such skill, passion, intensity, and brilliance that victory is assured.

I  am not wanting an army  of soldier,  but a group  of  warriors that  know when the proper time to  fight is. Those Christian and Muslims are soldiers they  follow orders and are told to  follow their leaders blindly. Being a "Spiritual warrior" means a life commitment. It means the embrace of discipline, study and long intense training sometimes at the sacrifice of comfort and convenience. Being a Spiritual warrior also means understanding your principles and not compromising them. It is easier said than done.

When more people have learned and devoted to  be spiritual  warriors, they  can stand up  and fight when they  are needed.  Think of the mass binding action against Trump,  with  more people  understanding the battle, disciplined to  now how and when to  fight, working together  not as separate forces. 

But the definition talks about educating others, the battle to  stop ignorance.  These spiritual warriors can also  double as teachers and help  those learning or having difficulties.  This would weed out those that  are only going through the motions.  With  the strength that  this would also  give the Pagan community, it would help  it grow by  being able to  stand for itself better.

Monday, March 13, 2017

A Warrior in a Garden...

     Merry  Meet, the title  above is from something my better half said to me. The full  quote goes like this. "It is better to  be a warrior in a garden, than a gardener in a war."  I  think it is very  profound.  A warrior can easily adapt to  gardening, instead of striking a practice dummy, the warrior learns the ways of plants and life.  To  be a gardener you have to  have patience and tend to  the garden as needed,  swift action is not needed.  They are polar opposites but they  can't trade jobs equally. 

     In paganism,  there is such  a focus on building tranquility and harvesting a better life.  One of the popular descriptions of an individuals spiritual  path  is "walking the path",  another is  "tending your garden of spirit".    There is such  a strong push for pacifism that  it is turning unhealthy. Like any  diet, you have to  balance it out to  maintain a healthy lifestyle.    Pagans are the gardeners and refuse to  accept the warriors virtue.  Warriors are given a mantle of aggressive hate.  Warriors fight for one thing , survival of the whole.  They  fight, so  the gardener doesn't have to. But I  also  see two-faced dialog that  bothers me greatly.  There are so many  pagans that demand the "Harm None"  notion, but also  promote themselves as badass witches.  There are pagans that  talk  about removing negativity and don't welcome warrior types in their social  groups.  This has to  end.

     I  believe that  we must learn to  accept the warrior spirit into  our practices. As I  have stated many  times that  nature is not as peaceful as many  believe.  That  life continues through the consumption of  death on this planet and the universe.  So  the Warrior spirit is not  evil when it is used to  protect the innocent.  Love and Pearce are the goal, but  like freedom, they are not free and have to  be earned.  The conflicts throughout the history of life on this planet have never stopped. And I  am not talking about the wars of mankind, the war of survival between animals and with  man have been going on and will continue.  But then there are these pagans that  insist on being gardeners while wars are fought  in different scales around them.

     You  can't shun these battles, and you can't let life  fall apart with  you standing on the sidelines. You  are a multifaceted creature, you can change and adapt to  fit the conditions around you, but many  will  choose to  do  nothing.  Bringing the warrior aspect into  your beliefs will  not taint what  you believe in.  For there to  be a shadow, there must be light first.  You  must have something to  compare to  measure the purity of anything.  SO  a light worker can't claim to  be of 'light' when they  hide in the darkness, so  that  they  are not seen when difficulties arise. A warrior can't be called hateful when he puts himself in front of children, to protect them.  You  can't call  yourself a follower of earth based religions when you stand idle against  people throwing litter out the windows and doors.

     Christianity claims to  be a religion of love and peace, but yet it  has aggressive tendencies.  I  have seen the bible camps were they train children into  be "Spiritual  Warriors for Jesus".  There are organized groups of people across the US that  declare themselves as "Spiritual Warriors" in Christianity.  This is what  we face as pagans.  Last month's  "Binding Trump  Mass spell effort" reflects what  we lack in the pagan community.   We don't have a warrior spirit or code in paganism, we have this pacifist mentality that  keeps us under control.  And as long as we accept this mentality of "Harm none" and stay  hidden we will  never be taken serious and allowed to  follow our beliefs openly. We were the rebels in Star  Wars facing the organized and trained empire.

     Spiritual Warfare is still  warfare. And a vast majority of Pagans out there are gardeners in a war. You  are told to  stay  away from dark  energies,  shun people that  don't follow this party line.  There are wiccans demanding the wiccan rede be used by  all  pagans.  This is the pacifist mentality that  I  dislike.  We have to  learn the ideals of Spiritual  warfare.  Now I  openly endorse the Warrior spirit as part of my  beliefs.  I  can believe that  the same person that  raises a sword in one hand, should be able to  lift a hand to  aid a person just as easily.  Warriors have a code of ethics. Just like how our spirituality  guides us in life,  we can have a spiritual code in how and when we fight.  I  want to  share with  you two pieces of wisdom that  I  use in my  warrior code.

To  be a Great warrior one must learn three things:
1. Learn to  rebuild the buildings lost from war
2. Learn to  heal  those that  were injured from war.
3.  Learn to  kill
Learning to  kill  is the last thing you need to  learn,
after learning the first two, hopefully you don't want to  kill

There are many  things worth fighting for.
There are things in life worth killing for
There are fewer things worth dying for.
But there are only a few things in life worth living for.

    It has to  be taught not to  rush  into  battle and spill  blood that  doesn't need to  be spilled. A warrior  is a defender of his people and his ideals.  I  see Pagans get mad and spouting off whenever some other pagans  makes  claims about paganism that  don't exactly agree with  their own beliefs.  We are willing to  block, unfriend, belittle, shun, and more anyone that  claims a different view on Paganism.  But we refuse to  stand together and defend people that  agree with  us on different aspects.  There is this foolish mentality of demanding people to  agree with  you and never posting a different opinion.  We are divided amongst ourselves,  we are weak because of this.

     Bringing in a warrior aspect to  your beliefs will  help  bring an end to  this destructive behavior.  The code of the warrior will  make us understand tolerance and look for other avenues to  handle a situation. Because  Warriors must depend on strategy, they will  look beyond the small  battle in front of them, and see the larger battle that  needs to  be fought.  The petty squabbles will end and more unity and peace will  grow.

     This Spiritual  warrior concept is needed because of the embarrassing actions with  the "Trump  Binding effort".   SO  many  pagans don't know how to  fight a spiritual  war because they are not trained.  There is no  unity and too  much  dislike placed on anyone that  decides to  fight for what  they  believe in.  I  looked at  this event as  packs of hamsters attacking Rottweilers.      Maybe some of those bites would hurt. but the rotweillers  can easily take out many of these hamsters with  one swipe of their paws.  Christian and Pagan Spiritual warriors defended trump.  While these pagans acting against Trump  was a noble act of fighting for what  you believe in.  They  lacked a warrior spirit in many  cases and organization.  These were the gardeners that grabbed pitchforks to  fight mechanized forces.

    There are many  ways to  bring in the warrior spirit into  your practice.  Study and meditate on why  warriors in the past did what  they  did.  Find a picture or two  of warriors that  represent your culture or  spiritual grounds.  As for my  love of Celts I  have a picture of the Statue of Vrercingitox, the Gaulic Celtic Warrior that  stood against Rome.   Learn why  they  fought the battles and wars.  Try to  see their point of view. and see if those ideals can be put into  play  in your spirituality and life.  Buy  an archaic weapon and add it to  your practice.  I  have a sword and staff in my practice.  When the weather  allows I  go outside and practice various forms with  them.   I  also  have a homemade shield.  It acts as a spiritual  and mundane shield in my practice.

     I  am very  happy that  you have read this far. If you are a pacifist and still  disagreeing with  what  I  have to  say, I  want to  tell  you about one more person.  There were Pacifists in the US Army.  During World War 1, there was a pacifist in the deadly trench  fighting.  One day  there was a brutal battle where many  American men were getting killed.  In this unit was a pacifist, that  didn't want to  kill  anyone.  But after seeing so many  men die he grabbed a weapon and attacked the Germans single handedly.  After the battle he was asked if this went against his pacifist ways. And his answer was no.  In his kind he saved more lives by  going after the germans, than if he would of sat and did nothing.   Look  up  Sgt York in World War 1.  You  can still  love peace and be a warrior at the same time.

Saturday, March 11, 2017

What is Paganism? Take away the magic.

     There are so many  people these days  declaring that  they  are Pagans, Wiccans, and Witches. And with  this declaration, I  feel  that  the blurred lines are growing and causing people to  not see the truth of Paganism.  Now Paganism is the collection of pre-Christian earth based religions found in the European and the Mediterranean  areas. So  we are talking about a large area full  of differences and similarities in cultures and beliefs. Paganism is a belief system of a majority of these pre-Christian beliefs.  We modern era followers are neo-pagans, because we try to  follow the old ways with  modern views and concepts.

     Witchcraft is also  an umbrella term , but for people that  use a set grouping of skills. These skills involve the understanding of the spirits in nature. One such name used in this umbrella is "shaman".  The Dictionary defines shaman as:A member of certain traditional societies, especially of northern Asia and of North and South America, who acts as a medium between the visible world and an invisible spirit world and who practices magic or sorcery for purposes of healing, divination, and control over natural events.  In villages there were people calling "Cunning folk", which is defined as: Folk healers, in England also known as cunning folk or (more rarely) as white witches are practitioners of folk medicine, folk magic, and divination within the context of the various traditions of folklore in Christian Europe

    Under these definitions , witchcraft is a skill or profession. A person can be of any  belief system and be a person that  performs some of the various forms of witchcraft.  Tis should be a very  simple concept to  understand, but alas it is not.  Under the pagan umbrella of belief systems is 'wicca', a very  modern form of Paganism with  a high focus on witchcraft.  "Wicca" literally does mean witch. So  there are large volumes of people that  classify themselves as "witches" because of wicca, but have a rather limited view of witchcraft due to  their limited views created with  Wicca.  Thus there is this massive grey  area created between  belief system Wicca (witch) and the Skill/profession witch.  Magick  is using energy to  cause subtle change, there are rules to  this magick  just like every other skill  we have. How it is done varies based on the individuals desires and ethics.

     The difference has to  be established early and with  some vigor.  Take away  magic and what  do  you have left in your beliefs?  If you remove the concepts and rules of magick  and you have nothing left, you are a witch  of skill with   undefined beliefs.  But if you remove witchcraft and you have a  practice of earth worship and honoring life, then you are a pagan and a witch.  If you call  yourself a Wiccan , but by  removing the use of magick  from it, you have nothing left, you are a witch of skill and not a pagan of belief.  honestly Witchcraft is not limited to  pagans, you can be any  religion and be a witch.   Thus just because you cast a circle, doesn't mean you are a pagan.

     So  what  are the principles of belief. Back in 1974 , a group  of pagans got together and worked out a rough list of principles of wiccan/pagan beliefs.  Here are those 13 principles....
1. We practice rites to attune ourselves with the natural rhythm of life forces marked by the phases of the Moon and the seasonal Quarters and Cross Quarters.
2. We recognize that our intelligence gives us a unique responsibility towards our environment. We seek to live in harmony with Nature, in ecological balance offering fulfillment to life and consciousness within an evolutionary concept.
3. We acknowledge a depth of power far greater than that is apparent to the average person. Because it is far greater than ordinary it is sometimes called "supernatural", but we see it as lying within that which is naturally potential to all.
4. We conceive of the Creative Power in the universe as manifesting through polarity-as masculine and feminine-and that this same Creative Power lies in all people, and functions through the interaction of the masculine and feminine. We value neither above the other, knowing each to be supportive of the other. We value sex as pleasure, as the symbol and embodiment of life, and as one of the sources of energies used in magical practice and religious worship. 2
5. We recognize both outer and inner, or psychological, worlds -- sometimes known as the Spiritual World, the Collective Unconscious, Inner Planes, etc. -- and we see in the interaction of these two dimensions the basis for paranormal phenomena and magical exercises. We neglect neither dimension for the other, seeing both as necessary for our fulfillment.
6. We do not recognize any authoritarian hierarchy, but do honor those who teach, respect those who share their greater knowledge and wisdom, and acknowledge those who have courageously given of themselves in leadership.
7. We see religion, magick and wisdom-in-living as being united in the way one views the world and lives within it -- a world view and philosophy of life which we identify as Witchcraft, the Wiccan Way.
8. Calling oneself "Witch" does not make a Witch -- but neither does heredity itself, nor the collecting of titles, degrees and initiations. A Witch seeks to control the forces within her/himself that make life possible in order to live wisely and well without harm to others and in harmony with Nature. 3
9. We believe in the affirmation and fulfillment of life in a continuation of evolution and development of consciousness, that gives meaning to the Universe we know, and our personal role within it.
10. Our only animosity towards Christianity, or toward any other religion or philosophy of life, is to the extent that its institutions have claimed to be "the only way," and have sought to deny freedom to others and to suppress other ways of religious practice and belief.
11. As American Witches, we are not threatened by debates on the history of the Craft, the origins of various terms, the origins of various aspects of different traditions. We are concerned with our present and our future.
12. We do not accept the concept of absolute evil, nor do we worship any entity known as "Satan" or "the Devil", as defined by Christian tradition. 4 We do not seek power through the suffering of others, nor do we accept that personal benefit can be derived only by denial to another.
13. We believe that we should seek within Nature that which is contributory to our health and well-being.

      I love the 13 principles because they  talk  about ethics, philosophy, responsibility, and harmony. It didn't mention  about casting a circle on every full  moon.  It talks about other realms, but not how to  visit these realms. Paganism is the belief system in understanding the world and universe around us in many  different perspectives.   But #8  is important because it state, calling yourself a witch  doesn't make you a witch.  Time, commitment, practicing, and learning are the 4 pillars in making a person a witch.

     SO I  have to  ask  you this important question. What  is the definition of witch  and pagan that  you are using?  Are you a witch  because you declared it after reading a book  by  Silver Ravenwolf?  Paganism goes beyond magick, it gives you a picture of the world and the ways we should interact with  it.  Paganism  should give you inspiration to  live your life better , and not just for yourself, but the world around you.  

     Paganism should help  you learn how to  live every day  of the year. Not the focus on the 8  days of the sabbats.   Paganism is not the focus of divination with   Tarot decks.  Divination is a skill  and used to  see a possibility  in the future.  Thus divination can be a part of you, but it is not a core part of paganism because  Christians can use a tarot deck. And also a simple fact that  they  were adapted playing cards from years gone by.

     So  for me, Paganism is a belief system that  shows me how to  find my place in the world and fit in to  do  the best that  I  can do.  I  want to  make the world a better place for me and those around me. I  learned to  work  with  others with  similar goals to  achieve even better things.  Through the history and thus a part of Paganism, I  understand that  it can be hostile and thus I  sometimes have to  fight and do  what  is needed to  protect what  is worth  protecting.  Harmony  doesn't mean at  peace.  Harmony  is working with  all  the waves in life to  create a productive future. Think  about Beethoven's Famous 5th symphony ... "Dunt  Dunt Dunt Daaaaa"   Well that is a harmony. sharp , strong, and loud, but still  a harmony that  builds a beautiful  piece of music.  I  am a small cog in a larger machine called life, when I  am in the right spot, I  make everything run smoother and better.

     So  do  you classify witchcraft with  being a Pagan?  Is it because you can't be a Christian and cast a circle?  Prayer is a form of magic.  When you prey , you are collecting , focusing and shaping energy, which  is what  witchcraft  is.  Those rosary beads are magical  tools. Communion is a ritual  performed for spiritual  growth, just like casting a circle.  DO  you ever notice that  only older men are called 'brothers', and that  there are church elders. Well  that  is just like the magical covens ranks systems.

     Wicca might mean witch  in old English,  we no longer speak olde English  on daily conversations.  The Brits might call a Flashlight, a torch,   but we understand the differences in the words meaning due to  distance. Why  can't others look  past the old English version and remember that  speak  modern English.  Words lose and change means over time and distance.  So  an American "flashlight" doesn't change its composition because one group calls it a 'torch'.

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Limits on Magick

We live in a world that  is bound be rules and laws.  This time I  am not talking about the laws of a government,  the universe is bound by  the laws of physics. Such as gravity, resistance,  and energy. These laws effect us daily in how we use technology and stay  alive.  But I  see so  many  people forget about these laws when it  comes to  magic.  Magick is a paranormal effect, which  means that  it is currently beyond science.  We can't measure and reproduce the effects of magic repeatedly to prove it exists scientifically.

So  I  took  one of those IQ tests a while back  and it told me that  I am a Spatial Mathematician. I  am apply to  conceive  volumes and distances in my mind better than most people.  I  Also  used to  play  the Rolemaster Roleplaying game a lot  when I  was younger. Old school  roleplaying requires the use of a lot of numbers and paper.  But what  does this  have to  do  with  magick? Absolutely everything, because  it is in polar opposition to  the current magick view point.  Today  people view magick  as a can do  anything and without limitations.

1. Energy levels,  To  cast a spell we need to  summon , pool and focus energy.  But there is a limit to  the amount of energy that  we can muster at one time.  A person is a battery  of energy, well when you are just starting out you are a "AAA"  battery.  Learning proper form and exercising energy pooling will increase the amount your body  can  hold and focus.  Most people can't just meditate for 2 hours to  gain extra energy. The mind will lose focus at some point and the  energy level will max out.   In the RPG that  I  played they  assigned a character power points per level based on the PC's  stats Self Discipline, Reasoning, Presence, Intuition, and Empathy.  These power points equaled one unit of power to  cast a spell. So  the more pore points you had the better. Then for every level you went up, you number of power points went up  as well.   So  if a level 1 monk leveled up,  her  would go  from 6 power points to  12 power points.

2. Range of spells. How far can we cast spells is something that  is sorely not discussed. we have no  scientific proof of a limit of range on spells,  but surely we can't think  that  spells are without range limits. Magick is energy and while energy can't be destroyed it can be worn away and absorbed by other forces.  Lets look  at the power of the Sun. The earth is the perfect distance from the sun to  maintain life.  If the Earth was as close to the sun as Venus we would die due to  excessive heat. But if we were on mars, we would freeze to  death  because it is a -85 degrees.  The sun's massive energy fades as the light spreads apart and away  from the sun.   Even lasers have range limits. the standard laser pointers that  you can buy  only have a range of average 100  yards. 

But spells are energy, so  they  are bound by  some laws of physics as well.  SO  this range can affect the focus of the energy that  we cast out.  Just like the flash light, it is a small beam of light up-close,  but you triple the distance and it is much  larger and not as bright.

3. Area of effect.   almost as bad as the range of spells,  people have this concept that  the spells can cover large vast areas.  Sure if you have the experience and  knowledge , yes your spellwork could effect a large area.  But if you are just starting out, you shouldn't expect a spell to  change the weather on a grand scheme.  It takes more energy to  effect a larger area.   That  is like assuming that  a 20  watt  bulb can equally light up  a small  room as it would light up  a football field.   It takes more energy to  produce the more light required to  light up  the football field.   SO  we can't expect the neophyte witch  to  produce and focus enough energy to  bring in a thunderstorm,  they  might only be able to  channel  enough energy to  bring in a few clouds.

4. Multiple targets,  With  the attempt to  bind President Trump, I  saw another limitation.  The writer of this spell was talking about effecting all  the people that  abet to  trump as well.  that  would require the energy that  you send out to  be divided many  times.   With  the energy  reduced because you are wanting to  effect 10  different people, that  would mean that  Trump's binding spell against him was less powerful.  So  you tried to  bind him with  a rope to  prevent him from doing more harm. Because you weakened your spell, you are now using a shoestring.   Now if you can clearly picture the targets you want then you can retain more focus , but something so  open to  interpretation, the focus is lost.

5. Timing of Spell work  and range.  The error  with  the Trump  binding spell was that  it was so  poorly timed.  There was no  one unified time to  cast this binding spell.  Midnight on the East cost is 11:00 PM  central  time.  So  from the US mainland alone Trump received 4 weaker  spell waves instead of one united spell wave.
  Time zone map  of the US.

So  how do  we get more power from the small  batteries to power the large devices?  We add multiple batteries and form a circuit for more power output.  So  if the event was done at the same time and compensated for the time zones. The power from 9:00  west coast would join 10:00 mountain time zone, move with  the Central  time zone at 11:00, and unite at the target at 12:00 Eastern Time Zone.  While the West coast energy would be weaker, because it is assisted with  the Mountain time zone, it keeps more of its energy.

6. Duration. Spells are energy and energy loses potency as it progresses. Unless it can get a power boost, the energy behind the spell will disappear and slowly things will return to  they  way  they  were before the spell was cast unless your spell was fast acting and there is no  way to  return to  normal.

I  know this sounds like a buzz kill on magick, but  it is meant to  be the opposite.  By  trying to  understand the principle and figuring out some form of limitations, the neophyte student won't be disappointed by   the results of his/her actions.  Someone could be very  gifted in magick, but trying something to  grand to  expect obvious results so  quickly.  Having a student learning that  they  must start small  and  learn to  build-up  their abilities will  strengthen them and improve the focus of their work.

Could I  cast a binding spell on Trump, yes I  could.   I  have the experience to  summon, focus, and channel  the energy at  my target.   I  have practiced for  a long time on how to  use my hands and shape the energy.  But I  see that  something more positive would be better than a binding spell.

We don't know many  things about spiritual  energy. How much  can the average witch  summon? What  type of range does spiritual  energy have? What  forces effect it?  How much  energy is required to  stop a set amount of spell energy to block  a spell? 

When you think  about the paranormal investigations, there are many  reports of batteries going dead, drain of their energy by  spirits, so  there is some similarity between  electrical energy and spiritual  energy.  Our thoughts can be measured on medical equipment,  and it is our thoughts and emotions that  are channeled into  spells.  We are learning so much  every day , who  knows what  tomorrow will  hold.  I  just believe that  a mathematical  approach  to  magic might  shed some light on the abilities that  witches have in the world.