Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Sinning in Wicca.... thou must conform.

     Many of us pagans were Christians at one time in our lives. One of the main reasons most of us left was the judgmental ways of the church over everyone else. You  know what  I  am talking about, how  the Christian church and its followers  viewed everyone that  didn't follow the group line as second class citizens.  People that  broke the church  cannon were called sinners.  There were  the minor sins and the major sins, but  they didn't care, you went against accepted church  doctrine and you must be punished.

     Every  church  had a slightly different view on everything , but  they mostly agreed with  the church  down the street. And it is those little differences that  caused other Christians to  be called sinners.  I  remember when I  left Christianity , and in my favorite chatroom, I  could say  that  I  was no longer a sinner. Because since I  left Christianity the bible  no longer was my rulebook  and thus I  couldn't sin.

     So we left Christianity and  found our paths in paganism. We were so happy not to  have all  that  dogma and judgments hanging  over our heads. We grew as individuals , building  our beliefs with freedom and  pride.  Our only guides  was our mind, our heart, and what  we found in historical accounts.

     Every time someone tried to build a structure to unite  pagans together, the rebellion would start. How dare that person try to  tell  me how to follow. Or That  person doesn't know what I  believe, I will  not let him/her represent me. We were stubborn to  the core about being free to  be who  we wanted to  be.  And while it was a great thing it did  have it's drawbacks.  I  would love to  see a more united pagan community, so  that  we could be taken more serious by  the Abrahamic groups.

     But  that has changed now, Wicca has one unwritten law that must be honored.  If you are a wiccan you must be supportive of anything that another wiccan says, even if they are factually wrong.  You  are required to  sit in silence if you can not say  anything supportive of another person's statement. If you state anything that is not supportive you are called negative and considered a sinner to Wicca. 

     How  can I  say this? well you can thank  Facebook  for  this situation. I  am a vocal  person by nature. I will  tell others how I  feel  and I  will  correct fallacies when I  see them.  I  am against people making false claims  with paganism. Because I don't want those new to paganism to  get the wrong impression of paganism.  I have been banned from a few groups on Facebook the last  couple years. This  last  week I  was banned from two. Why ? Because I  was being negative.  I  wasn't being hostile and insulting other members with  foul  names, I  gave unsupportive statements and stood by  them. I  was called negative and exiled from the group.  I  committed the unwritten sin and was exiled.

     In this one group I  was seeing some rather irrating spell  request posts. Besides the normal love spell  requests, there was a spell  request to  change eye color, and a second to stay out of jail. So I  posted how this is silly. If you break  the law, you should face the consquences. To  change eye color use the tinted contacts or  deal with it.  I  told people that it  was not only the people making the spell  requests but  the people that  supported that  type of behavior. I  thought that  more of the members need to  read a book about magic.

     But it  even gets worse, then a lady  posts a spell request for a "rare powerful fertility" spell. She just had a miscarriage and wanted a spell  so  that  she can have a baby soon.  I  told her that  she should  get checked out with  a doctor first, meditate on what  issues  that  could be affecting her. In other words, I  didn't go 100% supportive in the way  she wanted.  I was targeted by  comments about my not-so-nice comment , but I  stood my  ground. ( I sinned).  people were getting hostile toward me  because I  explained why I  did  what  I  did.  I  told the members of the group  that I  would have given the same exact advice to  a family member as I  did with  her.   I  was told that  I  didn't know her ordeal. Well  the lady  didn't post very  much information  to know more.  Comes to find out, the lady with this spell  request already  had many  kids from 19 to 2 years old.  She didn't need a fertility spell.

     Then I  commited an even bigger sin, I  countered the comments from everyone else. I told them that  I  have been in relationships that had miscarriages and so  that I  knew the  plain that  eats away  at a person when you lose a child. I  told them about my  brother almost dying, so I  gave this lady solid advice based on the experiences I have went through.  I  never called anyone a name or used profanity.  I  seen that  there was a comment after my  post, so  I  checked on it.  It  said that  I  was "being negative."  . I  tried to  write a response, but  I  was banned from the group before I  could post it.

     In the other group there was a guy  that  was posting misinformation,  He was saying that  he was a wiccan priest of a 4,000 year old witchcraft. I  tried to  explain to him that was impossible. Wicca only being around 60 years can't  have a witchcraft that is older that itself. He could have said that  he was a witch of a 4,000 year old  path.  Because Wicca is a collection of different traditions assembled into one new tradition.  It could have parts of the 4,000 year old tradition, but other things have been added or replaced parts of it.  I  was using facts. Well I  was told that  I  was attacking his beliefs. He then also  told me that  Wiccans do not argue. That  all  wiccans listen and learn.  I  tried to  explain that  we as humans are going to  disagree. But  he stood his ground and said that  Wiccans don't argue. moments later I  was banned from that  group.

     So  there is this unwritten rule in Wicca and is overly enforced in so many Wicca groups. You  can't disagree with someone or you will  be removed. You  will  be called negative and banned. Being different is a sin. So  these wiccan group leaders are enforcing this unwritten rule. As soon as someone else calls you negative , a sinner, you can be removed from a group.  This is like the Christian church, you have to  follow a certain line of conduct or you will  be considered a sinner and unwanted element of the community.

     So all  these love and light eclectic wiccans that  shun anything dark are able to control and manipulate the community.  So  we have reached the area I have feared.  Pagans that have no  balance or guidance are  calling  anyone that bothers them a bully and getting them removed.  This goes against nature's law of survival.  In the first group I  was posting my YouTube videos trying to  help  the new pagans. I  was answering questions trying to  be helpful.  But because of one thread that I  was very  passionate about didn't sit well with  a select few, I  was removed.

     I  can't allow all  these new pagans be blinded by  such  sugar coated pagan concepts. I  watched a pagan YouTube video  tonight that  told  others that if you want to  be an Eclectic pagan find the parts that  you like most from other beliefs and add them to your path.  Cherry picking paganism, that  misses any balancing and furthers the light  and love wiccan's course of self destruction.

     But I  can't teach  those that  don't want to  learn about the hardships and darkness that balances out paganism. They  will  continue to  think  as the 'hag' aspect of the goddess to  be of death  and evil.  They  will  treat the god like pokemon, only using them when the need arises.  They  will  continue to call  those that  don't fit their  happy world negative and exile them.

     Wicca is becoming just like the Christian church is now.  I have told you about the judgments toward others that  don't agree with  them. I see many of them  using the rede a form of Dogma.  Wicca has become goddess oriented and treats male aspects as supporting cast,  the polar opposite of the Christian church, but  still  supporting one gender over the other blindly.

     Has wicca changed so much  from Gardner's vision, that it is no longer wicca, but something else?

Monday, September 2, 2013

Working on my first book

I have been working very hard to  get my  house livable and everything looking good. I have currently been kicking butt on the garage. In the last  couple weeks I have re roofed the garage, painted it, rewired it, built a storage bin for my long handled tools, got my tinkering desk built, and made a storage self for Cindy. The garage was white with  more exposed wood than actual paint on it. But this is what it looks like now.
So with  all of this accomplishments I have decided that I  needed to expand my horizons even more. I  have been writing  many  pagan oriented  topics for a video series that I  wanted for YouTube.  However I  am enjoying the small  success I  am having with  my "Pagan Learning Open Circle" project.  I  have had quite a few thanks for the videos that I  have made. So I  am going to  devote the YouTube  channel for  the PLOC project.  I  currently have 41 videos made for this project.  Plus many  others that  have pagan themes.
So I  am going to collect all of my writings and build an E-book.  I  have decided on the title already.... "Pagan, Don't save me."  This will  be a book for people that  have left Christianity, thinking about leaving Christianity, or for family members that  are Christian.  Topics covered will  be.
  1. Why  we leave Christianity
  2. Attacking Christianity
  3. attacked by  Christians
  4. How to  defend yourself from Christians
  5. Scars of Christianity
  6. Basics about Paganism
  7. Lies of Paganism
  8. Paganism in Christianity
  9. Building a relationship between religions
This book will  talk  about some of my encounters and dealings as I  have went from a Christian to  a pagan.  With the goal of making of  the transition for others easier. Now that I  have a nice den with  a writing desk. I  can easily make this dream finally come true.
Take care everyone, and be at peace.