Sunday, April 21, 2013

Thinking of my future home.

     I  am in process of buying a home, as long as the bank is willing to work  with me.  The house has one thing that I am looking forward to so  eagerly. Right next to  the alley is a garage. It is a small  single car garage that I can use for anything, except for storing a car.  I  know  that  sounds silly of me, but I  want a work  area so  badly I  can taste the desire.

     I  have to  do some work on  the garage.  It  needs a good coat of paint. I  am so  tired of living in white houses and having white walls. I  am going to  paint the outside navy  blue, then I  am going to  paint the inside a pale light blue.  I  might have to  do some roof work  to  the garage, but  that is fine by me.  I  didn't walk inside the garage when I  walked the house, but  there shouldn't be any  surprises.

     Once that is done I  am going to  paint a Celtic cross on the floor of the garage. I  will  build a work  area so  that I  can be creative with  all  my  tools. I  will  finally be able to  permanently mount my heavy vise to something so  that it  can be used  properly. Along with  the work  area I  will have a table  and 2 chairs with  a small book  shelf.  I will install  proper lighting, so  that I  can do  some YouTube videos out there.  I  am also  going to  try to find an old pot belly wood burning stove and see if  I  can install it into  the garage.  Then I  would be able to  use the garage basically year around.

     The purpose of the garage is to  be my  outside man cave.  My  better half will  be using it as well, but I  am going to  be the primary user.  I  can be so  creative in this  building and be able to  relax it  just sounds like a piece of paradise.  Pagan functions can be done in the garage when the weather  is allowing.

     The other thing that I  like about this house is the many  trees, I  counted 5 medium sized trees in the yard. There will  be gardens and a very strong bond with  nature on this yard. The biggest tree in the back yard will have wind chimes and bird houses in and around it. I  will  be also  be building a few more bird feeders.

     We are wondering about one other feature to the house,  the city funeral home will  be across the alley. I  honestly wonder how much  activity there would be in such a place.  Then across the street is the parking area for the funeral  home. So that  reduces neighbors greatly.  I  like my privacy and looks like I  will  have it here. I  am writing about the house in hopes to be sending out positive energy to  get the house.  Take care everyone.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Rethinking the Book of Shadows

If you are new to  Paganism  and you have watched "Charmed" you  want to have the book of shadows. I have done some research on the Book of  Shadows and it is a new age creation.  I  was reminded of the dark  ages and all  the danger involved for that  time period.  Most people couldn't read or write, so  having great great great grandma's book of shadows is practically impossible.  People had to  hide anything that could be used as evidence if they  were ever accused of being a witch.

Book of Shadows is a different way  to  say  book of magic. I  do like the concept, and so I  created a book of shadows for myself.  But it didn't take too long for a guy like me to  fill up  the binder with  information that I  was collecting. I  am a self appointed druid. I like to  learn and I like to  store my  information. I  am getting ready  to  buy  a house, and there is going to  be a library if I can work it out.

I need something more,  So I  threw away the concept of a single book  to  hold my  information. I spent the money and I  have built a set of binder with  themes to  store the information I gather and feel is valuable. I  would like to  suggest that  to  everyone.  We should never stop learning and so  we should never stop  collecting information.

Here is my  list of Binders:

  • Combat Binder. Talks about the whats, why, and hows to  fight in personal combat.  plus discussion about wars and warfare.
  • Pagan Learning Open Circle Binder:  This is my log  for my  video series that I  am working on.
  • Politics Binder
  • Magic Binder, Holds information on magic  rituals, attributes, set-up, and results log.
  • Language Binder,  Used to  refresh my English  skills,  and hold poems, short stories, and notes on the Gaelic Language.
  • Celtic Religion Binder.  All  Celtic religious material  goes in here like my listing of Celtic gods and goddesses.
  • Math  Binder.  I use math more than I  thought I  would, and I  want to expand my knowledge of math so  that I  can understand Quantum sciences better.
  • History Binder:  that is Obvious
  • Philosophy Binder
  • Science Binder, holding science information on biology, Earth science, and Physics.
  • Code of Ethics:  A collection of Personal laws
  • Art Binder.  Store information on important artists and a collection of my  artwork.
I  feel  handling information this way would create a collection of information that I  can pass on to other and assist them in understanding Paganism  and life in general. Why limit yourself to a single book, be creative and build something grand.  I  am building a personal collection of Information that I  can easily reference whenever I  want.