Thursday, February 21, 2013


Dreams are an amazing part of the human life. Dreams have inspired us to  do  many  wonderful  and  disgusting things. They  are a part of who  we are and they  guide us on future events. We have hundreds of songs about dreams,  We have movies about dreaming as well. An Icon of movies is Freddy Kruger that enters people's dreams to torture them.

So what is a dream? According to  the dictionary:A series of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations occurring involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep.  Studies have shown that  we have 4-5 dream states  on average for an 8 hour sleep  period. These periods are called REM sleep , which  stands for Rapid Eye Movement.  Our Brain wave pattern changes as we get into  a deeper zone of sleep, as our conscience mind  slows down our sub-conscience mind  takes over. With our subconscious mind more active we enter  the dream world and leave the mundane world.

Why  is learning about our dreams so important? because the subconscious is full of information , and for those that  are gifted they  can see things that are yet to  be.  I  can only talk of my  personal  experiences, I have experienced dreams that  were full of details , these were short little dream segments only lasting 10-15 seconds.  but  they have came true in my mundane life withing a few months.  I  have also  have had dreams about family members dying and I  have been accurate with  those dreams as well. Unfortunately we forget most of our dreams the moment we wake up. And we forget about those dream fragments  within hours. This is why it is very important to  keep  a dream journal.  Just keep  a notebook and pen handy  by  the bed and write down any  dream segments that  you remember.

Dreams are full of images and general  themes. These could mean something to you. There are many  books that  explain what  certain images mean. I own 10,000 dreams explained to  help me out. It is like reading a tarot card spread, you take all  the images and themes and figure out what  the possible meaning could be. 

But we also  must always remember that  like omens not all  dreams are special messages to  us. Some dreams are just the sub-conscience entertaining itself and unwinding from a stressful day. certain foods and affect dreams and what  we dream.  Thoughts and dreams are electrical impulses and they  can be influenced by  chemical interactions in the brain.

When we dream we enter the dream world, a realm that is not bound by  the laws of physics. We can do  anything. We need to  remember this because as we get older and get conditioned into  the "That is not possible" reality, it will  also  affect of thinking and dreams.  We can do  anything, and that opens the doors for other gifts to open up.

I astral  traveled the first time in a dream.  I  dreamt that I  was with  a girl I  had a crush on in this white house that  was 2 miles  out of the town.  I have never been to  that  house before. It was on a gravel road that I  never drove down.  A few months later  some friends of the family wanted to  go  bike riding in the country to  get some exercises.  We went  down this road  for a change of pace and we went past that  house. I dreamed it perfectly, it was a freaky experience. 

There are random dreams and then there are dreams that  we have over and over again. These dreams do  contain a message that  we must take notice of. Make sure that you do  write these down. It is a message so  strong that  it refuses to  go  away. It might want you to  go somewhere or do something. But you are in need to  take action to  resolve this dream.

Nightmares are dreams with upsetting actions occurring in them. A majority of these are the mind entertaining itself, but  some do  carry a message as well. Something could be wrong with  your lifestyle, friends, family, or work. And the sub-conscience is trying to make it loud and clear that  you need to  address this situation.

Why  would the mind need nightmares to  entertain itself? because some personalities use scary movies as a way to  relax.  It would be horrifying to  be in a Zombie Apocalypse , but look at  all  the zombie  video games and movies.  Both our sub conscience and conscience minds never stop working. We are always thinking about something. You  didn't hear your boss telling you what to do  because you were thinking about something else.  This is why  you can never clear your mind of thought, you can only focus on something that would calm you down.

What  I would like you to  do is to  start your dream journal.  Remember that  this is a personal  book like your Book of Shadows.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Fox News shouldn't be taken seriously

     If you are a dedicated pagan you were probably upset with  the recent rant about wiccans on Fox news.  And I have to  admit I  was a little ticked off myself.  So  I  did  my standard research, and I  came to  a rather different conclusion as many  other have. Fox news is to be looked at as a source of poor humor and nothing else.

    If a famous comedian was to  make a comment about all of  pagan holidays , which  there isn't that  many. and  said something to  the effect that he needed a few more days off during  the summer, most of us would have laughed with him. Why because he was saying this with an intent of humor.   So  why  are so many  so  ticked off.. because it is fox news. 

     Fox news, has this history of making outrageous comments that  offend people in some way  or another. They  have commented about presidents, senators,  liberal  activists, and anyone else that  liberals and moderates can associate with.  I  know of a TV program that  does something like that  on a weekly basis, Saturday Night Live's Weekend Update. The Only difference is that  fox news never ends, it  is 24 hours a day  of non-stop show with poor comments meant to  entertain certain people.

    As I  said I  did  my research, if you go online and research the fox news written report on the University of Missouri  Religious Holiday article.  It is accurate, they  mention that  Wicca has 8  sabbats, not the 20  that  the anchors mentioned.  So  this would have to  mean that  Live action fox news is not reading and researching fox news articles. They  are being told to  ab lib the news and add a conservative christian twist to  the news.  They  are there just to  entertain the conservative christians  not actually deliver the news.

     I  remember  a few months ago an article that  stated people that  don't watch  news programs were better informed than people that watch  fox news. SO  this  should tell  you again that  fox news is a 24 hour a day conservative christian version of SNL's Weekend Update.  Something that  we should never take serious.  Don't get angry at them, laugh  at them. Fox news if taken serious is the worst source of information on current events.

     So  why  would Fox news hire such  buffoons to  be on TV if they  are trying to  be a form of entertainment?  They  are following the Will  Ferrel model, someone that is a terrible actor and comedian.   Look  at  the movie "Night at  the Roxbury" or "Elf"  . Will  Ferrel's comedy is poor, he usually plays a stupid bore that  only entertains by  saying or doing something stupid.   Something stupid is a way  to  describe the  Fox News TV personalities.  Will Ferrel  has had limited success in movies, and thankfully nothing that has ever created a sequel. They  must be looking for the bottom half  of the journalists that  graduate from christian colleges to  be part of their network.

    I  would defend my  opinion with  Bill O'Reilly.  We have all seen Bill O'Reilly get mad and have yelling fits about  anything.  Bill O'Reilly is the Angry Comedian, going on his rants about stupid topics to entertain others.  Bill O'Reilly is Fox News Answer to George Carlin.  George Carlin had style, character, and a good punchline. George Carlin was better because he used facts in his rants, which  goes against the Bill  O'Reilly 'No  Spin Zone' mentality.

     What  do  comedians do  when they  get successful? They  go on tour, traveling from city to  city  telling as many  people as possible their comedy routine.  And Fox news did  they  same exact thing. Do  you Remember Sarah  Palin's bus tour across America? What  did  she talk  about ..... the constitution, something she has never read.  And didn't we all have a good laugh at  everything that  she got wrong.  Fox news was there to  cover every little bit of it.

      Look  at the special  guests that  Fox News has on every week, these are just like the SNL special  guests. They  are meant to  keep the ratings up  and join in on the conservative christian ramblings meant to  entertain people that  don't  use empathy  and intuition.   Mike Huckebee,  Karl Rove, and Ann Coulter deliver such  outrageous comments to  get ratings. It  would be too  boring if they  deliver facts, so  they  are going to  lie.  It is entertainment.

     And then watch  the ladies of Fox News,  they  are all  skinny little toothpicks  wearing miniskirts. And if you go online you can See images of these ladies is some skimpy clothing. When they  are sitting down on those extra wide chairs,  you can see the ladies butt.   You  know they  were hired because of their looks and not their brains. Again to  target the guys out there that  think with  the wrong head.  They will  agree with  anything  coming  from a tall  slender blond in a mini-skirt. And why  do  they  do  this? Because they  are in the entertainment business not the news business. Lets face it, Tina Fey is a beautiful woman and they  have to  compete against her.

     So  what  would make Fox news better? Better script writers was my  first idea. I have also thought that  maybe just maybe someone  should put the bible down  for a couple of hours and actually read the news from a secular view point. 

     Next time those buffoons from "False News"  say  something stupid, don't get mad, laugh  at them. Tell  them that  you found the discussed topic funny and full of silly mistakes. Then tell  then the facts that  they  got wrong.  Ask  them when there comedy  routine is going to  be in your city, and that  you want tickets.  Don't give them your energy,  take their energy by  making them look as silly as they  are.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Walking away from feminism

     I  have been looking at the world and studying the way  things are changing. Feminism was a thing that  was catching my  eye alot. Over the years I have fought for women's rights and defended ladies actions when needed. I have also  criticized actions of some women over the years as going to  far.  And I  have reached a point that I  can't say  that  I  am a feminist anymore.

     Now I haven't stop fighting for women, that  part hasn't changed at  all.  But I  want there to  be equality with  the male and female genders. I want to remove the walls placed to  separate the male and female aspects.  I want equality and that is what I  fight for.

     Feminism has developed into something I  don't like. Feminism is now a qualification to  be associated with  certain groups. Feminism is being pushed into  non-associated groups and changing the original  groups mentality. I  don't like it and I  think  someone has to  speak  about it. And that  someone is going to  be me.

     Wicca has always had a large female base to it.  thanks impart due to  the catholic church  refusing to  let women preach.  Women needed to have their personal  beliefs expressed and this  was a way to do it.  And then it turned into a cause. Dianic wicca is a women only group.  What about equality? Dianics started to  do  to  men what  was done to  them. Revenge became a driving force in this group. Their coven's name is the "Susan B. Anthony" coven. Named after a historically important woman that  fought for women's right to  vote.

     Recently at a wiccan event, a dianic leader  placed a sign forbidding transgendered men from entering her women's only  spiritual event.  I  think  this put  paganism in a bad light.  Are you so angry with men that  anything male is rejected from your group.  Just as bad as the Vatican leadership  being of men only.  What is gained from this action? Nothing absolutely nothing.

     AT  a free-thinkers meeting some women were calling themselves "Secular feminists". Why  did these ladies have to  add feminism to being secular? This was an atheist free-thinker meeting. And I know quite a few Atheists that  fight for equality between the sexes. Atheists are generally more open minded about sexuality than most religious people.  These ladies were also  pushing for rules and regulations in how people conducted and represented themselves.  Some rules that  were not needed, were being pushed. They  were telling people not  to  wear fake jewelry. How  can any  decoration worn on the body be considered fake jewelry is beyond me.  So  these select feminist women were trying to  enforce a dress code.  Sounds like Catholic schools and uniforms to me.  What  about freedom of expression?  They are free thinkers.. but are being told that  they  have to  follow certain guidelines.  I  believe that  to  be counter productive.

     Back  to  paganism,  I  have been seeing the continual  obsession of  going back  to  the 'goddess'. Hold on, what  about the god? Am I  to forget about  Cernunnos? Has paganism become so  female driven that  it has lost it's way? Have they  forgotten about  balance? Have they  forgotten about fighting for equal rights? Have they  forgotten that  the female needs a male to  have a child?

     I  am trying to  find more male pagans, and it is hard to  do. I  want to  reach out and balance paganism with  men that understand the need for balance. Men that  know women are equals and partners in life. But yet I  can go down and list of pagans and it is over 80% female. 

     This morning I  was reading a book review and it mentioned feminism 4 times in the short introduction of the book.  4 times....  And this has made me start thinking about how feminism has seemed to lost its way. Has feminism overtook paganism and started to  affect how  many  women  see the world.?

I  am no longer a Feminist seeking women's rights. I  am an Equalist seeking equal rights between the two  sexes.