Sunday, August 26, 2012

Who do we have to be.... Everyone!

     I  have been answering some questions online about how I  am and why I  do  what  I  do.  I  think  many  pagans believe that  they are out to make the world a better place.  I  think  that  way  as well, but I  perform that  task  differently than many out  there. Many  of my  Wiccan friends tell  me to  love everyone, sorry that  doesn't work  for me. They  tell  me to  be positive, some situations outside need a more rough nature to  resolve them.  Embrace the light, somethings run  from the light.  I have to  do  things differently.

     I  worked on my intro  video  for YouTube today. and I  was trying to  explain who I  am.  I  am a very  complex person so  trying to put it into  words in front of a video camera in 10 minutes wasn't working well  for me.  So I  decided to  write a blog about it instead.   If you are wanting to  change the world you have to do so many  things.  Filling the world with  love doesn't help  everything.  We have to  be everyone to  change the world around us.

  •  I have to  be the scholar.  Try to  teach  those around me about  what  type of people Pagans are.
  • I have to  be the Warrior. To protect myself and others from those that  choose hate and violence.
  • I have to  be the Peacemaker. When peace can be made, it  must be attempted.
  • I  have to  be the Antagonist.  I have to  oppose those that  wish  to lie about who  pagans are, letting them know that  the battle they  wish  will  be fought .
  • I  have to  be the reporter. To  tell  others of what I  seen and know.
  • I have to  be the builder.  Willing to  build  things that  are broken.
  • I have to  be the artist. To  express my  passions in different ways so  that many  can understand.
  • I  have to  be the follower.  To  know when others know better.
  • I have to  be the leader.  So  that  people know that  they  are not alone.
  • I have to  be silent.  To know when the battle should not be fought at  this time.
  • I have to  be the Judge. To  decide the course I must follow.
  • I have to  be the parent. To  show  what is wrong and right.
  • I have to  be the Philosopher. To  build a code of honor and ethics.
     I have to  be all  these things and probably more to  be the person I need to be. I  can't run when others attack my beliefs. I must  stand like the warrior. When they  wish  to  silence me, I  must be the reporter that  tells others the fight is on.  When they tell us that  our dreams are foolish, I  must be the Artist and the builder to  tell others that  our dreams are still  alive. I have to  be the judge to  myself, so  that  I  do  not stray  from course. We are these things, but we must decide to  use these professions  to make the world a better place.   If you do not defend, you will surrender. If you do  not report, you will not be known. If you do not teach, you will  know of your ways.  If  you do not act morally, you will  not be honored.

      I have to  be everyone. I have decided to  be a better person. I have helped people understand the world better. I have to  bare the scars of my work  as well.  I have gained enemies, but that is the price I  take. Winston Churchill  made a statement that  unless you have people mad at you, you haven't stood up  for anything.  If you can't handle having people mad at you, then you need to  rethink  everything. I  tried writing a book  many  years ago.  A story of a warrior that  had an old wise father.  The Father told his son one  piece of advice that  fits here.
        There are many  things in life worth  fighting for....
        There are quite a few things worth  killing for....
        There are somethings worth dying for..
         But  there is only a handful of thing in life worth  living for...
        And when you  learn what  those are. Then you know what  your life is for.

     How important is your beliefs? Are you willing to  fight for them?  Are they  worth killing for? There are only a few things in life that  matter, everything else is trivial.  My  son is worth  killing for, but I  would rather stay  alive and help  him be a better person. I live for him.  My  ethics and beliefs are also  very important,  I  would die for them as well.  With  the understanding that  my  death  might help   someone else keep  their freedom.  But I  would per fer to  fight so  that  I  can practise as I  wish.
     And here is where my  issue with  light and love eclectic Wiccans comes out.  If you run  and shun everything that  may seem dark.  Then you are not willing to  fight for anything. And if you don't know what you are fighting for, how  can you know what  you are living for.  Until  you draw the lines, you don't know what  type of person you can be.  I  forget who  said this,  " Only those that  test their limits , know their limits."

   I  guess I  am asking every pagan out there to  look  at  themselves and ask  themselves, Are you happy  being the person that  you are?  Can you do more to  be a better person?  To  cause change in the world  we have to  be better people.  Simply invoking love into  everything isn't enough.  It  takes work and dirt to  move a mountain.  If you can't get dirty,  you are in the way  of others.  We are washable,  get your hands dirty and  then after the work , wash  them off.  I  can make a video or image that  is  considered dark  and mean,  and then  create something that is positive and helps others.  If I  can do  it, so  can you.